This is my life, one post at a time. Some people write biographies; I write down memories as they come to me.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
To Whom It May Concern:
(as of five weeks ago during the Christian new year - the first Sunday in Advent)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Getting Back to the Land
Sleep is something else I need. I waste all day at work. Waste is to soft a word for it, but that's all I can think of right now. My boss is out of town, and his assistant sales manager is a moron. he didn't let me take lunch till 7.5 hours of my shift was passed, so I took a short lunch and got an extra half hour of time for the week. I'm gonna see if I can manage to work up some overtime for the next week. I worked the wrong shift today because I misread the schedule. And now I may be in trouble for helping a customer buy extra upgrades for his computer and installing them so he could go (he wouldn't buy them unless we could do it right away).
Now I'm gonna fall asleep in church tomorrow, be late for work, miss church in the evening, and then not even care. I'm so tired from short nights of sleep, I just don't care any more. And that makes me angry. But then, all I'm doing is venting right now to let out some frustration before going to sleep. I would talk to one of my managers, but I don't feel comfortable that they would value (or even listen) to my opinions. that's the third Sunday this month I've had to work. Sure, he cuts me a break to let me go to church, but then I have to head straight in. I don't get paid enough to give a rip about the stupid store. I'll be so happy when I have something better.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
World of Warcraft Update
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Where Am I Going?
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)
Sunday, December 10, 2006Wednesday, December 6, 2006Friday, December 1, 2006Stupid Flu
So, nothing like running a temp. I thought I felt a little odd when I woke up. I'm currently 99.6 degrees F (assuming the thermometer I'm using is accurate - it said I was 97-point-something the other day when I woke up sweating). I'm basically living off DayQuil and NyQuil right now (plus food when I can fit it in during work and around sleep). I'm gonna keep tabs on my temp all day and if it gets any higher, I'm coming back to my apartment and sleeping. Hope you all stay healthy, and if you are sick, get well soon. L8rs...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006Sound
I picked up some speakers last night from a good friend and I should be picking up a receiver either tonight or tomorrow based on how much time I have on lunch/after work. These things sound so good. I can't wait to hook them up.
Monday, November 20, 2006Relationships
So, who wants a headache? Might wanna take an Advil or something before reading this... unless you've been where I've been.
I'm torn by two natures in me. They say that everyone makes decisions based on their mind and emotions, with their will (sometimes also called tendency or predisposition, not so much a conscious thing) determining the balance between the two parts that is achieved. I find most often that my balance is based almost entirely on the mind (logic and reason rather than feelings and instinct). I equate the mind to a mechanical (and often cold and hard) form of thought. However, the emotional part that's been creeping up lately is that part that has a human, organic feel (compassion, unconditional love, hope). The sermon in church yesterday made me realize that I've subjugated my emotions to my mind for so long that I had come to a point where I knew as Christians, we pray and want for Heaven on Earth, but I for one had stopped hoping for it because a reasonable (or reason-based) assessment of my life so far leaves me kinda hopeless for humanity as a whole in this fallen world. The good news is that I'm not always right. I am a lot better off in where I am today because I have based everything up till now on logic. I have never smoked or been drunk or done drugs. I have few regrets (like not having a better relationship with my dad before he passed away). I have saved myself countless amounts of time, money, and energy by focusing on my education and finishing it early (thanks for giving me that opportunity Mom and Dad). However, hope has taken over the last few weeks as I have logically assessed that I cannot stay in my current position of employment and still afford life at all (rent isn't cheap, though it's cheaper than other places). I hope for a new job. But that is work for another day. There are other issues I'm very sharply divided on within myself. I want to do this, but I know to do that. It actually has become somewhat of a daily struggle for me. Every few hours or so, one of the main items comes up and I re-evaluate it all over for the thousandth time. "Where am I at in life?" "Why do I want to do this when I could be doing that?" "Am I ready for such a big change?" "How would this affect everything else going on right now?" "What part of who I am as a person (or me in my individuality) searches for this?" "Would this have a positive effect on my future or would it damage it?" "Why does this keep coming up when I've already answered it?" There are many different questions I ask myself constantly. Usually I resolve to maintain my course and pursue some courses of action while abstaining from others. I'm not so troubled by the questions themselves as I am by the constancy that my emotions challenge what my mind has established. Growing up, I'd make a decision and it would be decided. I would deal with it once and it wouldn't come up again. I guess I miss how simple childhood was. I miss playing all day long with no cares. Some days I spend all day worrying about cares with no room for play. Being self-responsible (different from self-sufficient) has proved to be quite a stressful challenge to adapt to, though I am happier now that I have ever been the last few years. I have learned a great number of things by moving out on my own and the transition into that, which I made through my college years. When all is taken into account on a day when I've had a reasonable amount of sleep to get a balanced perspective, I'm quite happy where I'm at other than the job thing. Would I move to find a better job? Yes. Almost in a heartbeat (it would mean leaving my home of the last three and a half years, where so many stories have been written in my life, but I would get over it). It would mean starting over somewhere new in all likelihood, but I could do that. I've done it twice in the last few years. I can adapt and adjust. I just can't settle for less than what I'm looking for. But that's a tangent. I'm divided. And the hardest part about the issue is that it isn't a moral question. If it were a matter of right or wrong, it would be easy. But these days it seems to be more of an issue of now or later. For now, I choose later because I have time. Many of these things can wait, and so I will choose for them to. It would be good now, but it can be so much better later. And I'm looking for God's best for my life right now and in the future, so I will do the best that I know now. In this case, I must continue to follow logic for now, but I must also learn to factor in emotions and, while keeping it all in proper balance, remain grounded and logical while also being human (caring, compassionate, understanding). Once I learn how to look at everything from a balanced perspective (one that matches God's own perspective of us), I'll have a better grasp on life. And time and God's patience working with and in me will bring that to be. God, give me patience to wait as long as you would have me and give me wisdom to know when to act. Continue to lead, teach, and protect me. I arise today Through God's strength to pilot me: God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to guide me, God's eye to look before me, God's ear to hear me, God's word to speak for me, God's hand to guard me, God's way to lie before me, God's shield to protect me, God's host to save me Saturday, November 18, 2006Brothers
This conversation took place with an anon friend about her younger brother, and it made me realize something.
(18:48:41) Daryl Winsinger: he needs an older brother like i had to beat him into shape (18:49:05) Daryl Winsinger: or at least bring out an intellectual side (18:49:16) anon: that would be a good thing... that would work to (18:50:10) Daryl Winsinger: yeah, i didn't really think much about religion until my brother taught me there was a lot more to think about... i mean a lot of it never made sense, i just didn't know there was that much more to think about (18:50:18) Daryl Winsinger: he opened a door for me I never realized how much of a difference he really did make in my life growing up. I love you, David. Good luck your last year at Duke. Can't wait to see how your life pans out. I'll be praying for you. Monday, November 13, 2006Swaying and Grinding
Ok, not as dirty as you might be thinking... but anyways, my Druid is now 54 (as of Sunday night). And I finally spent the 91 gold to get his mount. I picked up enchanting on my alt so I can afford to keep upgrading my character. This'll be fun... Well, I'm off to work (opening today after closing last night... falls asleep driving to work and kills 4 children in school zone crosswalk). Hopefully I can make it okay through the day. We are getting audited. For merchandise layout. Spent all day yesterday retagging. Everything. L8rs~
Friday, November 10, 2006World of Warcraft and Interviews
WoW! Literally. I played for about 9 hours yesterday. I've never done that before. The boulder was closed. Couldn't get a hold of anyone. I get payed today, so I'm gonna see about paying my car insurance and getting new tires. But yesterday... Man. It was fun to get to spend that much time with a few guys my level, but we really didn't get much done. Took 4 hours just to get a group together to run one small instance, and two hours to run the darn thing (wiped three times). But it's progress. Time to run instances full time and get some good gear so I can go full resto in three levels and just heal lots of people.
As far as the meeting Wednesday night goes, it was good. I have a better understanding of the availability of a position at a place I interned last year and what they would need if the work in the area here pans out. I'm really starting to pray that it all works out. I wanna know God's will, and if this isn't the thing for me, I need Him to make that clear. But with the timing of all these events, and how they've lined up with different moves I've felt I need to make in my life independently of finding out about this job, it just seems so perfect. I arise today Through God's strength to pilot me: God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to guide me, God's eye to look before me, God's ear to hear me, God's word to speak for me, God's hand to guard me, God's way to lie before me, God's shield to protect me, God's host to save me [...] Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through belief in the threeness, Through confession of the oneness, Of the Creator of Creation. Amen. Tuesday, November 7, 20068-Nov-2006
I have a very important meeting tonight. Pray that it goes well and that God's will is done. I just can't post many details until I know more. I'll keep you all updated as appropriate. Thanks ~Daryl
I just threw all the best screenshots from World of Warcraft that I have taken on my two main characters since I started. There are a few in particular that I like. The names will make sense to anyone familiar with the game. Also, a lot of the gear on my main character has changed, but I didn't feel like starting it up today before work for another screenshot. Posting 20 is enough for now. Hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think of them all.
BTW, careful walking into a dark room. It can have very bad results. Thursday, November 2, 20063-Nov-2006
Gotta climb more. Haven't exercised much and my back has knotted up again. Now I'm sore from working so hard Wednesday night. felt it all during work today (Thursday). One reason to wish I had girlfriend... the free back work (both getting and giving). The doctor charges too much.
Got to do some tech work today instead of working the floor. But after that, one guy kept me for an hour and a half past my scheduled time to get off (mostly because I couldn't grab another sales member to take over for me and I have to leave early tomorrow (Friday). I am still alive. Sunday, October 29, 200629-Oct-2006
I got a weekend for once. I got yesterday off. I get today off. I'm taking advantage of this and spent some time yesterday climbing and dancing (as well as a run up to Mom's to do laundry as ours broke and someone procrastinated calling the rental place and getting it serviced - and no, it wasn't me). Tuesday it should get fixed, but until then, all laundry has to be done at a friend's/family member's place or a laundromat (and as I prefer to not fear for my life for some of the customers I've seen in those, I'll stick with family, friends, and TNU when security isn't looking). Today I have to see about getting some new wheels for my car. The current tires are worn to the point where lightly tapping the gas will let me peel out. And, while I don't mind that, I'd like to know that for the winter season I'm gonna have better traction than that. Have a good church service today everyone! Tuesday, October 24, 2006Names
I was just thinking about how great it would be if my name was William McDoogle or something of the like. New screen name? I think so! I could go by Willie for short and "The 'W'" would still apply. This is great!
I have thought about starting to pray this every day when I wake up, or at least once a week. I am also looking for a prayer partner to get together with from time to time and talk about these sort of things, as well as to help me improve my prayer life. Let me know if you are interested.
St. Patrick's Breastplate . I arise today I arise today I arise today I arise today I arise today I summon today all these powers between me and those evils, Christ to shield me today I arise today Note: text from the version found on Monday, October 23, 2006Saturday, October 21, 200621-Oct-2006
Thoughts of confusion
Blinded by fear Emptyness and aloneness These things I've been pondering lately. And I've been listening to Evanescence (always makes me think). I'm so tempted to get a haircut to make me look like what's "popular" or something like that, for example. But that's not me. I like my hair like this (though I do need to get it trimmed a little). I feel like I'm ready for a situation change. And there is something coming up with my lease running out soon. It'll be good timing, especially if Dana doesn't make it home for the holidays (it will keep my mind off how much I miss her). It's odd too, because doing this manual labor all week for the home entertainment remodel (HE Reset) has been very fulfilling now that we actually have almost two whole sections finished. Only seven more to finish today or we are officially behind schedule. We had to wait for the electritions who had to wait for parts because corporate didn't order everything soon enough and the suppliers didn't ship it all out very fast. So, I'm off to pick up the project manager from his hotel and work my 6th day straight this week. I may be signing up to cover a shift tomorrow if we don't get it done today. I really want to see it finished, so we are gonna work hard today. I'll let you all know how it goes and try to snap a few pics if I get a chance. Thursday, October 19, 2006Sunday, October 8, 2006Saturday, October 7, 20067-Oct-2006
I hit level 45 yesterday. I only have 15 more to go before the expansion comes out. My druid is well (and respecked for DPS (specializing in tanking for the most part) until level 55 when I will be resto for the guild. Characters as follows:
Taurin Duid lvl 45 spec feral (goal 60 - herbs/potions and healing) Undead Mage lvl 24 spec fire (goal 39 bg twink - currently skinning/leatherworking, will change when main is 60) Taurin Hunter lvl 6 spec marksman (goal 29 bg twink - skinning/leatherworking) That's about it. Got a lot of leveling to do in the next 2 months. I wanna have this all set before the expansion comes out so I'll be poised for more power leveling when that happens. Sunday, October 1, 20061-Oct-2006
Other than that I have to work some Sundays, I really like my job . I
managed to assist many customers on my own and was also able to make $5 bucks of spiff money (essentially commission, but not the same) It's all cool. That covered my half hour lunch break. Sundays are good days to work, as are Saturdays (most customers, highest chances of selling warranty service - Technology Assurance Program, a.k.a. TAP - and other value added stuff). I don't understand some people. They think they have so much money , that spending a few extra dollars to cover a $400 computer isn't worth it. They consider that to be disposable. Heck, you're gonna have to buy a new one if this one breaks and it isn't covered. So here's the deal. Go ahead and buy two now. You're gonna be spending it anyways down the road. But, I will pay for the warranty on your system, so when it breaks, when you would have bought the computer you gave me, you just take yours in and have it fixed, while I get a computer myself to give someone who needs it. Doesn't that make more sense? Never go shopping with your family. This lady knows nothing about computers, needs some solutions for hers. I set her up. I offer TAP. I almost have her buying it. She had yes on the tip of her tongue. Then her daughter reccomends she ask her "technically inclined" son (her kids are grown). He's been burned by cheap warranties in the past, so he thinks they are all a waste of money and we are trying to cheat him. He knows nothing about TAP, but won't even hear it. I show him the info on it and he goes straight to the exclutions and reads off how we don't cover rusting of metalic parts and such. Duh, don't leave your $ 300 unit out in the rain. That's an easy one. Oh well, don't ask me to understand people. Oh, and this kid comes in and buys about $ 500 of harddrives from me and doesn't want to warranty them. Ok, kiddo: the whole reason you are in here replacing them is because your last one FAILED! But far be it from me to actually reccomend something that might help you. Ok, I'm good. Done venting (plasma into the atmosphere of humanity's soul). And if anyone who turned me down today (or any day) is reading this, I really wish you would reconsider. These programs are in place to protect you, and if you really understood how they worked, I think you would see how much they really do protect you. We don't make the hardware. We do our best to stock high quality equipment, but in the end, we get what the manufacturer makes. And if they make a bad unit, you get a bad unit. And if that unit breaks and you don't have it TAPed, we can't help you. If you do TAP it, we can do our best to recover any lost information and replace it with properly functioning equipment. Right down to the everyday upgrades for your home or computer. WoW. I can't decide if I want to sleep or level my Druid (9800 XP to level - that's like 20 beasts outside Camp Mojache in Feralas. Ok, I think I'll grind and look for ZF for an hour and then go to sleep... Friday, September 29, 200629-Sep-2006
Yay. World of Warcraft is back! I just got it all patched and will be playing this evening. INVT lilkitten if you want a druid healer...
Tuesday, September 26, 200626-Sep-2006
So, if you ever want a good scare, check out a few quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche . I've never had a chance to read anything by him, but after seeing a few of these quotes, I wanna pick up Beyond Good and Evil .
Yay. A potential employer called back after I left a message. I worked an hour yesterday (paperwork). I'm doing the computerized training all this week. Next week I shaddow experienced staff on the floor. After that, if I'm ready, I get a red shirt and the opportunity to show my stuff. Thanks for the prayers and support everyone. I'm really looking forward to everything I'm gonna learn through this all.
Saturday, September 23, 200623-Sep-2006
So, it's been a few days... feels like a year has passed.
I'm getting really tired of waiting. I called one guy about a website, found out the project has been either postponed or canceled altogether. The organization may be merging with another one, so, I have to wait to see how that goes before I know if I have the job. Good news is, the school district just contracted out for a website, and they were amazed at how low my prices are. One potential employer hasn't called me back about my drug test (as far as I know the final step before them giving me hours). I hope this doesn't mean I failed it. I'd be the first to be really surprised if I did fail it. I just don't do drugs (I hardly even take medication). Third and final bit, my computer is having major cooling issues. I thought these temps were ok, but turns out I'm about 10c above what I should be running at.... Time for upgrades...time for money. More news later... Tuesday, September 19, 200619-Sep-2006
Avast, ye mangy landlubbers and salty seadogs!
Daryl, your pirate name is Lackey Rough Man What is YOUR pirate name? I be The Cap'n! Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not. What's Yer Inner Pirate? brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr! Monday, September 18, 200618-Sep-2006
I just found a very important website this morning. Everyone should surf on over to and check out the "How to talk like a pirate" educational series in preparation for tomorrow.
"What's tomorrow," you ask? Well, it happens to be the best holiday on the calendar! Tomorrow (September 19th) is "Talk like a pirate day!" Here are some important links: Sunday, September 17, 200617-Sep-2006
As you can see in my title bar, there are two new additions lately.
First, I joined . PAMD64 is an online community of 64 bit computer enthusiasts (such as myself), who discuss everything from old and new hardware, to operating software and other programs. It starts as bunch of people saying, "Look how good my computer is!" and develops into a good support community for people with questions who want to learn from people who have been there (so to speak). Second, I have joined their Folding@Home ( FAQ , Team Stats ) team (which is a distributed computing system that functions on hundreds of thousands of computers and creates a supercomputer via idle processors on home computers). The F@H project is folding proteins in an effort to map the human genome and advance the medical research community. This information may eventually be used to cure diseases such as alzheimer's and even cancer (something I'd like to be involved in because my dad passed away from cancer two and a half years ago). The project is administered by Stanford University , and has upwards of 572,548 members (last count as of this posting). Comment or e-mail me if you have any questions about any of this. Edit: Took the stats out of my title bar, didn't link correctly (they may have external linking disabled). Thursday, September 14, 200614-Sep-2006
I wrote this at about 4 this morning (as the internet went out while I was wrapping up and heading to bed...):
I have got to stop staying up this late. I get all philosophical and stuff. I feel like I need to write something... so here it is: Yesterday's post was basically me asking myself, "Am I unhappy about what I'm doing or not doing where I'm at right now or am I unhappy with where I am right now?" I'm ready for a new challenge. And I want to reach out more, but I just don't have any outlets for that currently. Now that I may have the job thing nailed, I can get involved with some things. Well, I have an interview this afternoon, so I'll probably update tonight on how that went (and how many times I screw up and say the wrong thing). Tuesday, September 12, 2006Monday, September 11, 200611-Sep-2006
Strange. My room is a good temperature, but the rest of the apartment is a little cold. Thank goodness my two computers produce a measure of heat.
Saturday, September 9, 200610-Sep-2006
Lovely. I'm gone for two weeks. I have no access to my xanga site while away. I come back and find someone has put a defacing comment on my site. God bless free speech and the idiots who make it such a curse.
My great aunt is improving in physical therapy. But one of the doctors says there is no chance for her to ever walk again while others say they should have her walking in a month or two before she goes home (which depends on ongoing assessments). Clear as mud. So, yeah. I'm back in Nashville. And wired. I think I'm gonna do some computer stuff and turn in. Church tomorrow (more like later today...). I may be helping a friend with a project in the next few months. We'll see. Yep, need sleep. But not tired. Where's that extra hard drive.... Sunday, August 27, 200627-Aug-2006
My Great Aunt Hilda (89 years old if I'm not mistaken) had surgery Monday and she did well (though it was high risk with her chance of heart failure). She has been in tharapy since and they have moved her to rehab sinse. First thing tomorrow morning Mom and I are leaving to go spend some time with her. We also have to work on the house some to get it ready to rent out. I'm going to try and see some people while I'm down there, but everyone is busy with work and school starting up.
I'm currently packing and gonna help a friend move in at TNU before I head up to Madison for an early departure in the morning. I can't seem to sort out the things running through my head right now, so I guess it would be best to not bring them up at this time. God be with you all and please keep praying for her. Sunday, August 20, 200620-Aug-2006
My day just got a litte worse. I just got news that my great aunt who lives in Palm Coast, FL just fell right after she got home from church. She thinks her hip may be broken, but she called Mom while she was waiting in the hospital for the doctor. I'm gonna be in FL for the next two weeks as soon as Mom hears the diagnosis and decides when to leave Nashville.
Please pray for my Great Aunt Hilda. 20-Aug-2006
Crappy weekend... not that anyone wants to know.
Thursday, August 17, 200618-Aug-2006
An Update on the Computer Stuff...
I want this (or better) liquid cooling system for my computer (please tell me if you know of a better one). I need to find two GPU blocks that will work with that (gotta cool my graphics cards if I plan to over clock them). I also want two of these Western Digital hard drives (in a RAID 0 config giving me 300 gigabytes at a really fast access speed). Down the road, I have hopes to get two of these ASUS Dual SLi video cards (to replace my current cards to run the new round of games that are in development these days). With that I will upgrade the processor to this AMD X2 4800+ (the highest my motherboard can handle in the X2 line, the FX series is overpriced for little improvement). Those last two would be cooled and over clocked. Still job hunting, I have freelance stuff to do for now, but that isn't a steady stream, so I really need a constant income. But I've said that before.... Tuesday, August 15, 200615-Aug-2006
When I first built my new computer earlier this year, I didn't have time to play around with the graphics setup, so I've not been using my dual graphics cards. But last week I sat down and read up a little (and started checking random boxes in the config settings). I'm happy to report that I get a solid 72 frames per second. None of this peaking at 72 and hovering around 35 stuff. My computer renders and displays 72 frames every second. I've never had anything like that. It's like being in heaven. Now I just gotta figure out how to keep people from cheating online. I finally realized that me scoring so poorly on Day of Defeat has nothing to do with a slow computer (or my skill for that matter). So many people hack games, it isn't funny any more. Thursday, August 10, 200611-Aug-2006
So, I spent a good hour online trying to help a friend find virus protection for a Mac running OS 10.2. Too bad there isn't anything free out there (that I could find). And this friend payed enough for the computer, there shouldn't be additional charges... (all my Win boxes have free a-v).
I'm happy to link this article: After reading this article, there are so many things I'd like to say about Macs, the company that makes them, and the people that support them (I've been reading forums filled with people who know little about fact vs. fiction in computing); these comments include how I wish I had one to play with and learn how to support so when my friends call for help, I can give them a hand. I don't have the money for it though, and I won't any time soon (my money is going into rent, food, car, and my gaming Windows PC in that order). I just think the last few paragraphs of that article make a very good point and reinforce why there are few and it would be a total waste of time to write viruses for Macs. Thanks for the chat J, maybe I can come over and you can teach me about your computer some time. I'll bring the Win XP. And perhaps some chips and drinks. Wednesday, August 9, 20069-Aug-2006
Yay. I'm coming down with something. I hope it just goes away on it's own. Oh well. I'm gonna take it easy today and try to get rest before it gets bad. And I'm still sending out resumes....
Sunday, August 6, 20067-Aug-2006
Stress kills. It is the reason I'm still awake. My joblessness is catching up with me. Later today I'm going to do the best I can to take care of that. I'm also looking for places to volunteer time. I have found a few agencies around Nashville I want to look into more and there should be chances at church to help out with children and youth.
I finished a project for some freelance work. My testing server was being annoying so I'm a little late on that, but it is done now. My room looks good. I'm working on a bit a day and am ready to hang pictures. I really want to design my own furniture (something about knowing what I need and not settling for generic stuff that doesn't fit me right). That'll be in a few years, after I get my gaming system tweaked. Well, I'm tired, so I think I'll sleep for an hour or two. Who knows. Friday, August 4, 20064-Aug-2006
So, in about 45 minutes is the cookout and last comp of the summer at Climb Nashville . I'm gonna go watch and see what I can learn. Josh (staff there) showed me some exercises to work on my finger strength, so my fingers have been stiff and sore for the last two days.
Life is okay. I've been better. I've been worse. I think I've found work for now. Saturday, July 29, 200629-Jul-2006
So, me and a few other people almost died today, but we didn't so it's all okay now. The whitewater rafting was awesome. We did a few class fives (three in a row at one point - someone forgot to tell me that the Olympic course was a concrete mess made by a bunch of people with no concept of life and the desire to live over drowning...). I do want to go again next year. And skiing. All the church sporting trips we make are great. Time for bed. Church tomorrow morning. Ask me more about the trip and I'll fill you all in. Wednesday, July 26, 200626-Jul-2006
Woo Hoo! Cable! And it's fast! Lan parties, here we go....
Hope everyone is having a good week. I am. Friday @ 4 is the rafting trip. That's gonna rock. I love getting outside. Well, I'm gonna go run for a while and see what shape I feel in. I'll probably check out the weight room here at the complex. That will help me decide if I want to stay at Climb Nashville for the extra price (it's not cheap) or if I'm gonna just work out here. I heard back on one job opportunity (filled already). I'm still looking for web stuff, so we'll see what else comes up.... Saturday, July 22, 200622-Jul-2006
Nephew gets baptized tomorrow. Cookout here at my brother's apartment (N.C.) afterwards. Then a long drive home to Nashville and seeing sis off first thing Monday (tears). Good part is we are riding together back to Nashville so we get to talk for a while before she leaves for another year teaching at KCA in Keiv, Ukraine. I'm so proud of her and all she has done in the past year. Early and long day tomorrow. Time for sleep....
Thursday, July 20, 200620-Jul-2006
It's Cheaper, So It MUST Be Better
My car broke down last night because a plastic catch on the quick release for the fuel line that connects to the fuel filter broke. Nothing like watching a gallon of gas soak into the road and evaporate. I hate how there are so many plastic parts on cars these days. Ford is just known for it's bad uses of plastic (yeah, never a good idea to put plastic in a transmission - our Windstar had that problem). Thank goodness there was one 24 hour auto store in Middle Tennessee (here's a shout-out to the guys at at Advanced Auto Parts on Elm Hill Pike and Donelson Pike). Wire works for holding the dang thing on there and it doesn't leak; the catch is just broken and it won't hold it there (wire is not one of the best ideas, but then I can't afford towing right now). So, going to bed at 5:30 Wednesday morning and then being stuck out till about 3:00 this morning is gonna be great for me trying to drive to North Carolina tomorrow for my nephew's baptism on Sunday. I'm really glad we decided to drive early because now I may use the extra time with a real tow truck and mechanic bill if anything else goes wrong. Life is just great. Update: Life is better after a swim and shower. Yeah, I wish people would make quality products, but I got it fixed for $6, so it's ok now. I really hope nothing goes wrong on the drive. Tuesday, July 18, 200619-Jul-2006
Woot! Just got the main functionality of my site finished (finally). if you want to look at it again. I have a draft of the bio up and you can click on the pics on the web dev page to view the galleries of each set of screen shots. But the images are big... nothing to be done about that, they have to be that big. I think I'm going to go to sleep now. G'night.
Currently Listening
Shall We Dance? By Peter Gabriel, Gabriel Yared, Jamie Cullum, Various Artists see related Thursday, July 13, 2006Tuesday, July 11, 200611-Jul-2006
So, tomorrow I move into my apartment. I have to go get insurance today and get the electricity hooked up. This is gonna suck if they won't accept my credit (don't have any good or bad - I refuse to go into debt or spend money I don't have; for this I am penalized).
Might have a LAN party over the weekend as a moving in party. Call me for details later on this week. Sunday, July 9, 20069-Jul-2006
Rock climbing and swing dancing are the two best things in the world.
Thursday, July 6, 2006Wednesday, July 5, 20066-Jul-2006
This is amazing. I just got back from a four and a half hour drive. This is the first bit of real technology I've touched all week (other than my car while driving home). Let me just say, this is one of the best weeks I've ever had, and it was the best trip I've ever been on. We did a 27 or 28 mile section of the Appalachian Trail (from Garinflo Gap to I-40 - getting off at I-40 cuts off two miles of the 30 miles we had planned to Davenport Gap). We got on the trail late Sunday night and camped close to the car (first grassy spot we found). The next day we hiked about six miles (mostly up hill) and found some muscles that I need to work on more before the next hike. That night we stayed in the Walnut Mt. shelter with two guys that were through-hiking (from start in Georgia to end in Maine). Their trail names where Big Toe and Trapper ( ). They where going the opposite direction so that was the last we saw of them when we parted ways the next morning. Tuesday David and I did thirteen miles of steep to medium down and low grade up (not nearly as steep as the first day) to get to Max Patch (amazing view of the surrounding area; highest point of hike and most beautiful thing I've seen in a very long time) and stayed the rainy night in our tent by the Groundhog something-or-other shelter. Being the fourth, I found it fitting that when we got there, the Boy Scouts were playing with an aerosol can and lighter. Brings back memories of what some of the guys did when I was in scouts.... We finished the hike today (yesterday) with two very solid miles of the hardest uphill yet, followed by a short stop on top of Snowbird Mt. (FAA has a VOR up there) before taking the six miles of just as steep down grade to the interstate with a small hill at the end to beat. It started raining harder just as we got over that last hill and so we made a dash for the underpass where we waited for our ride. While going down that hill, we found out that Christy and D.T. (our ride) had broken down an hour away and that we couldn't get a ride from rangers back to our car to go meat her or from a shuttle service (they all require advanced notice - even in emergencies). No taxies for tight budgets. So, we waited until Christy got the car towed, repaired, and picked us up. We had leap frogged a son and mother doing the same section (starting a few miles farther north at Hot Springs and taking an extra day), and they came off the trail a few hours after we did. They offered to help out as much as they could and we all went to a cigarette shop (that also happened to have the best cheese burgers ever according to Big Toe and Trapper) that was just over the border into N.C. for tax reasons.... Steve and Pasha offered to take us as far as Knoxville, but by the time we were done eating and using the first real bathroom we had since before the hike, Christy was on her way to pick us up, so we sat under the interstate for another hour and met a very interesting biker taking a break from the rain. I'll not go into the details of his personal life he shared during that hour.... He was... different. All in all, the trip was a great success. I want to do a lot more of that as soon as possible. Nothing like a good 40 pounds on your back to make you realize just how little you can get by with. What I carried: I had half the tent, my sleeping bag, one change of clothes (that I saved for the last day when we washed up in the river by I-40 - I smelled a lot better when Christy got there; bio soap is a must because someone may be drinking that water down stream), extra socks (very important when hiking; important to change once a day for heavy hiking), my new sandals or my boots (whichever I wasn't wearing), breakfast and lunch for the 3 days (David had dinner, the cooking stove, and fuel as it was smaller and fit in his pack), and a few other odds and ends like a lighter, cell phone (turned off most of the time), wallet, knife, toiletries (hand sanitizer and toothbrush/paste)... oh! and 8 pounds of water (4 quarts; 2 quarts short of what I should have been carrying - David only had 3 until the last day...). Amazing how your pack gets lighter as you drink more water.... Things I didn't have that could/should have: Sleeping pad was the number one thing I wish I had. I don't have a light enough one for backpacking, so I did without (anyone wanna give me $70 for one?). It was fine, but I would have slept better a few nights (like the one where it rained and leaked into the tent and got my sleeping bag all wet - thank goodness that was the last night). More TP. David had a supply for both of us, but it's always a good idea to have your own just in case. I ran out of my stash because it was packed for a one nighter trip a few months back, not the three nighter A.T. Two more quarts of water as mentioned above. We almost ran out on Tuesday between stops because some water sources were dry and others were not marked well enough to be found. A light weight book. We had a lot of down time on the shorter days (I usually just slept to pass the time). Did I Learn Anything? Man, there were some parts where I started to wonder (like after going up the same hill for 2 hours and still not being at the top), but getting to the top of each mountain really makes you fell great and makes every bit worth it. There were a lot of people just driving up the access road to Max Patch, but I think they were missing out on something great. It's incredible to look at the valley you just climbed out of and say "I just did that 2000 feet in elevation with everything I need to survive on my back and nowhere to be in days. This is freedom and accomplishment." Everyone needs to do at least three days on the A.T. You might not get it before you start or while you are on it, but when you get home, it all comes together. Just do your homework before you go... we did. Saturday, July 1, 20061-Jul-2006
Man, I missed all the dancing today. Oh well, there's next weekend. Climbing was great. Did most of a 5.11 today (difficulty ranges from 5.6 to 5.12). I can boulder better than my brother (for the sole reason that he hasn't done it before and I have been practicing the last month). Still having a hard time on the 12-15 bouldering section; can't get past it.
David and I leave tomorrow afternoon to do a 29 mile section of the AT. We should finish on Wednesday mid day. I'll not be reachable until then. Leave me voice mails if you want. It would be great to listen to them all the way back to Nashville. Please pray that all goes well and that I get a nice chance to relax and recharge during the trip. Stuff seems to be going better, but I really just need more space to live in right now. The apartment is near! I can't wait to move. It'll be fun to decorate and buy stuff once I get a job. Friday, June 30, 2006Thursday, June 29, 200629-Jun-2006
I'm F.I.N.E., Really!
So, this weekend, my brother and I are going to hike 30 miles of the Appalachian Trail. I'm really excited about it. We've been planning this for about a month now. I'm just a little scared. I've never done that in 2.5 days before. This is gonna be big. I'm really going to enjoy it. I'm crazy. So is my brother. And that's why we are so cool. Other Stuff... I feel needed again. Someone had some tech/spec questions about some laptops, so I'm checking out details and compatibility of different parts for the possibility of merging the two systems. I love Dell's service tag system. Everything about a laptop at the touch of a few buttons. James and I go to check a smaller apartment (2 bed) today where we applied and put down for a 3 bedroom apartment last week. Can't find a third person to go in with though, so we may have to get a smaller one to save some money. I'm really looking forward to having "a place." My Great Aunt Hilda is not doing well at all. I need to go visit her and her sister (also not doing well) in Florida. I was gonna go with Dana and Mom as they drive all over creation for Dana's NIVS deputation, but that isn't a good schedule for me right now, so I'm gonna make my own trip down there. It's getting to be about Aunt Hilda's time (they're in their 90's), but I still don't want to see them go. Stupid sin entering the world... So, I'm a little busy. Pray that I get things sorted out soon. Tuesday, June 27, 2006Tuesday, June 20, 200621-Jun-2006
Line - (re)Flec(tor) - Line - Flec - Line - Flec
This weekend I helped a friend get her new car from her parents' house. Congrats, Amber . It's a great first car. So, the title is me keeping myself awake. For the first few miles you admire the corn fields (untill you realize there are 5 more hours of them). Then you read signs for a while untill it starts pouring down rain. Then you do everything you can to keep from getting in an accident. Like drink lots of coffee!!!! It was nice to get away and not play WoW or do anything like that. I think I'm gonna get my main up to 60, my alt to 30+ and sell it. I just want to do something else. I love gaming, but I'd just rather hang out with people. I'm sure James (my business partner on our server) and I will work something out. So, honesty still sucks, but its better than lying to people all the time (remembers personal experience). One of these days, my life will be closer to what I want it to be. Until then, I need to figure out how to be happy with what I do have. What a month. Tuesday, June 13, 2006Monday, June 12, 200612-Jun-2006
Things To Do Today
It really helps to set a medium length list of things to do in a day's time (including both work and pleasure, required and optional things). Today I needed to do a lot of chores, so after helping James move some stuff into a storage unit and coming back for lunch (ok, so I stayed up till 04:00 central again), I saw him off for a week helping with youth camp and started in on my list. I got laundry started, the dishes are in the washer, the front yard is mowed, business phone calls were made (and during business hours, I might add - times to do some things also help), and now I'm off to spend a gift card at the book store before I work out. I also fit in half a level on my main character on WoW. I have about half of tomorrow lined up already (depending on just how much time I spend on web stuff). Tomorrow night I also plan to head to the gym and work out again. This not having a job bit is really starting to be nice (now that I've adjusted to the idea and am not stressing out as much because we almost have an apartment and more people have been offering job opportunities and freelance work). What can I say? I worry a lot. I care. Roll on over to for the latest in my update/finishing touches. I should have a draft of my bio and professional info up tomorrow evening. Call me if you want to go rock climbing tomorrow or any time in the next few months. I'll be glad to take turns on the wall with you! In Christ, ~The "W" Friday, June 9, 20069-Jun-2006
So I do web development, graphics, and some photography on the side. I'm setting up a website and it's mostly gonna be a personal info site. I'm gonna put it on resumes and have it on my business cards. The thing is I want to break most of the traditional rules for making websites in order to do what I want to. And on top of that, IE sucks. Everyone should download Mozilla FireFox browser (it's free, follows w3c rules - the people who wrote the internet standards, and it works right). I'm probably gonna keep some of the things I want to about the site and other rules just follow just 'cuz. I wanna make this mad awesome site, but no one seems to have the same taste that I do. Back to the drawing board... BTW, check it out at and tell me what you think. I'll be changing the design for the next month I'm sure, so keep checking back and letting me know what you think of the latest version. Until next time, it's everyone's favorite Gnome killer, signing off. Tuesday, June 6, 20066-Jun-2006
Haven't Done That in a While...
I pulled an all nighter last night. I'm working on websites for myself and other people, and sometimes when you get going and get the momentum built up, you can't help but keep cracking. It has been a long time since I've seen the sun come up. I saw it today. I'm at the point where I'm about to crash, but I'm gonna keep pushing until I absolutely have to quit. I really like how much I've gotten done on my site. It's a great feeling. I also hopped on WoW with the usual friends. I got a half level on my low character (enough to hit 12). We're gonna run our mains sometime today if we have time. I love being in the zone. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, but when I hit that zone and things start clicking, I can crank out a lot of work really fast. I love it. Wednesday, May 31, 200631-May-2006
Last day at work. Guess this is it for a 9-5 job for a few weeks (hopefully I'll have another soon).
Friday, May 26, 200626-May-2006
Regarding this post , it's all still there. I drive by every day to and from work. There was a procession as well I had to stop for.
Linux As much as I love the online community, there are some things that just annoy me. Like bad instructions. I'm gonna try and run the FluxBox install again when I get back. Didn't run right the first time (I've never complied from source before Everything Else God, life sucks some times. It looks as though I'm condemned to spend the rest of my life just out of reach of the things I want most in life. I would be fine if these things weren't right in front of me and all around me all the time. It's like being in the middle of the ocean with no life vest and no matter how hard you swim, the lifeboat stays exactly ten feet away. Worst thing is, I don't know what I'm swimming for. Am I looking for a life preserver? A raft? A coastguard boat? A cruise liner? Yeah. I have had more time to think lately, and this is what I've been thinking about. Thursday, May 25, 200625-May-2006
Congrats Nathan and Emily on the big day Saturday! Woo Hoo! DSL! I installed Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog last night, and am currently running the update to Breezy Badger. I love the version names in Linux distros. Where the heck did "Vista" come from? Go open-source! (dual meaning) Now that the DSL is hooked up, I can do all this. Quickly. Thanks Ma and Rich for letting me pay to get DSL. It's nice to finally be back online. Wednesday, May 24, 200624-May-2006
Originally written on May 23, 2006 @ 6:31 PM
Life is Too Short I went to the cemetery on Elm Hill right by school after work today. As I was walking around, I found this one headstone that was fairly new. It caught my attention for one reason. I could barely see it. It wasn't overgrown, and it was set perfectly in the ground. I couldn't see it because of what had been placed on it yesterday. Yesterday was May 22nd. You see, the dates that were on it read as follows: May 22, 1999 September 17, 1999 There was a candle in the shape of a "7" that had been partially burned and blown out. There were a handful of toy cars and an action figure laying on it from siblings, no doubt. There were some balloons from parents, I'm sure. There was an uneaten cupcake on the side. I don't know why those dates were on there other than that they belonged to that child. I would suppose some disease or perhaps something genetic. It didn't say. But as you know, that is less than four months. Four months. I'm 240 months old. I never knew my oldest sister. Denise died a few hours after birth because of a genetic flaw, four years before I was born. I have two sisters, but I have only met one. I have three siblings, but only lived with two. My dad died two years ago this past March. My grandparents all passed away before I was old enough to get to know any of them well. People at church pass away. A close friend's grandfather passed away a few weeks back. People die. So, my question is, "Why does it matter so much to us?" Why do we make such a big deal about such stupid things? Why would we stop talking to someone because he or she forgot to send a note card? Why would we ignore a family member? Why wouldn't we take time for friends? Why would we allow one horrible incident to so consume us that it changes who we are? Why would we take our focus off of God? Life is too short. No one will be here forever. Many of us have less time than anyone could know. If you die tomorrow, or in ten minutes, will everyone know you served God's purpose for your life in the life of those around you? Will you say I did? Monday, May 22, 200622-May-2006
Saturday was my birthday. It was so much fun! We went to RenFest all day, and then swing dancing all night. It was a great way to spend my birthday. A whole group of us went down together, and we got a group rate, but as soon as we got there, everyone took off, so Amber and I just hung out together. Watched Human Chess, the Joust, The Roses (music group), and a few other things. We spent a lot of time in the shops looking at different trinkets, rings, and bracers. Can't make my own ring on the same scale as what was there, so I bought one of the celtic weaves. But, for the price of those bracers, I could make a few sets of my own. I'm gonna finish the coif i've been making and start a hauberick this summer. I need to find some boots and pants that look more authentic. I have a canvis shirt and a cape that will work quite well. I think I found a noble weaver to commission for the making of the padding under my armor. Then, it'll be time to find a sword. Swing dancing is awsome. I went Saturday night, and then socialized at the Lindy on Sunday. I plan to start up some lessons soon, so the final details are to find out when and how much $$. The main dances on Saturday nights ended this week, so I gotta look around for the best place to replace those with. This should be interesting. I'm working on narrowing down which gamer shirts I want to buy to brag about my WoW addiction. I should be posting some pics on here soon of my characters. Well, back to work. I'll be posting again sometime. Monday, May 15, 2006Friday, May 12, 200612-May-2006
Currently Listening
Ultimate Big Band Theme Collection By Ultimate Big Band Theme Collection see related Wednesday, May 10, 200610-May-2006
So Tired
I've been sick for a week now exactly (Wednesday evening last week I started coming down with this cold). I'm reaching that point where I'm just exhausted physically, and I'm getting there emotionally. If I snap at you, I'm sorry! I really don't mean it. I'm just too tired to be reminded about bills and deadlines and everything else. I'm gonna be working for another week and a half depending on what the department works out. They may be asking me to stay on longer, or I may be leaving at the original agreed upon time. Right now, though, I really just need some sleep. I am flat out weak from the flu or whatever attacking my body. Church right after work (we'll see if I get dinner in the middle or not). Then hopefully back to home for some sleep. Tuesday, May 9, 20069-May-2006
So, pknaz (Nate), I now know your pain... sort of. Actually, other than it taking 30 minutes instead of 10-15 minutes to get to school, traffic wasn't too bad. Just really slow. For no reason (a curve in the interstate is not a valid reason to slow down - they aren't that sharp). But life goes on, and I'm glad to have given myself a half hour for the drive. If there was actually an accident, though... Structure, Workflow, and Organizational Charts I Monday, May 8, 20068-May-2006
The statement "Dead Man Dying" is not a logical impossibility. Who can tell me why?
(not exact) German: so ist Leben Spanish: tal es vida French: telle est la vie All I can say: such is life This saying comes to my mind every time the crap hits the fan. It's just the way it goes. There's not much you can do to change most of it, and all you can do is get out the mop and bucket when it's done (and pray no one throws more before you're done with this batch). Sometimes I think to myself, "Yesterday sucked and today isn't looking much better. But just maybe tomorrow is my day...." Graduation Saturday was cool. Never graduated before (side effect of being home schooled and bypassing all official channels). Now I have honors cords, a tassel, and a degree. It's weird. I don't feel any smarter than I did last week. I don't feel any different. Nothing has changed, other than that I didn't have to register for classes in the fall. Moved out on Friday, back to work on Monday. I was expecting something... different. Not sure what exactly. I just guess I would feel official. Guess that just comes over time. And moving perhaps. Or maybe a new job or something. I dunno. I just wish I didn't have this feeling that I'm missing something major. You see, there's this hole that has nothing in it. Everything I've tried to fit in it, I've pulled back out, because none of it fit right. And no, I'm not talking about a God sized hole. This is something else. I just wish I could wrap around this thing and figure it out. I've been analyzing it for the last year very seriously, and I still haven't gotten it. I'm just gonna keep praying... Thursday, May 4, 20064-May-2006
So, right now I'm gonna go fix someone's computer in Trevecca Towers and after that I'm gonna try and finish packing. Oh, and guess what! I'm sick again. Soar throath and nausia. I'll get over it with some sleep, I'm sure. I should be moved out of the apartment tonight or early tomorrow. Family starts arriving tonight.
This is gonna be wierd. The thing that has been my life for the last five years is about to just disappear. Talk about strange. I knew who I was in college. Now I get to figure out who I am in the work world (where I don't really belong yet). I'm sure God'll show me something to do. Tuesday, May 2, 20062-May-2006
YES! I'm done with college. I'm very relieved. I had my last presentation for my final project in Video Art/Web Broadcasting class. Great job, Amber. Everyone said they liked what we did with it. So now I'm chillin in the caf hanging for one of the last few times with some friends. Well, I need to go eat now and then pack for a while before either sleeping or getting on WoW. I'll have to post more later. Pray for me; moving always depresses me. Sunday, April 30, 200630-Apr-2006
Wow. My roommate amazes me. He pulled his little TV out of storage to hook it up just because he can't study when it's quiet. I could raise a little hell if it would help. But he just askes me to stop. Oh well. Couple more days and I'm gonna be out at mom's (with no real internet). Gotta get broadband... Gonna get on WoW for a little while and go to bed now. See you all later!
Saturday, April 29, 2006Thursday, April 27, 200627-Apr-2006
Some People...
Some people make me wish I wasn't human. They are that stupid. I don't even want to have any association what-so-ever with them. If I could stop breathing air and eating food and change into the complete opposite of a human, I would be happier (because of them). You see, when I'm driving in downtown Nashville, I wonder who the next person to almost kill me will be. Like the four (perhaps even five) vehicles that were turning left AFTER their green arrow went away and my light turned green for me to cross the intersection they where obscuring). Jeez, people! Just go learn to drive or get off the road. Or at least get caught. </Rant> Okay, cooling off now. I was downtown because I got arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct. Nah, you should know me better than that. Not my style. If I'm gonna go to jail, it'll be over doing 120 MPH through metro on I-65 This has been a lot of fun because Amber and I keep filming out takes for the heck of it. I need to get more serious about this because I just want to get it done. Everyone is at the point where they just want it all to end. I am there too. I graduate in a week, and it feels like I have a month of work to do. This is what it feels like to be screwed. Been there, felt that before. But for now, I'm going to bed. TTYL!!! Tuesday, April 25, 200625-Apr-2006
See You Later
Wow, I never noticed how much people say this phrase. Today was fun... Nobody knows how to make me feel worse than I already do except a very select group of people (wait, are they people?). I'm doing okay having a perfectly mediocre day (despite the lack of sleep of late) when one of my professors tells me that even though I was sick for a month, I'm still getting marked down for turning in a project. I guess I'm kinda happy about that, because as late as it was, I should have gotten a zero as the syllabus states. But I don't understand how something I have no control over can cause me to not do well. I'm still gonna pass the class (if I ever get this final project finished), but it just makes me want to quit. I've got senioritus extensius (you know, wanting to get out of here a.s.a.p.), and that is only compounded by my continual sickness. My next class was fine. I did homework on my laptop the entire time while taking notes on a few of the main points of the lecture. It isn't just my laptop that can multitask. I can too. Then it was off to chapel a few minutes before class was over. It was a slow service, two DVDs, no PPT, only three microphones, and Robert taking pictures of a little awards segment. I hurried back to my apartment and started laundry just before mom picked up some stuff I packed up and the CD to mail to Dana I made for her to enjoy. I had twp PB&Js for lunch before rushing to tennis class before my laundry was done while I was researching something I heard about recently. Tennis was okay. Got one of the matches out of the way that we have to play before the final. Everything was perfect until I got back to my room. I picked up my laundry and hurriedly jumped into the shower. While washing my face, I accidentally scrubbed too hard while I was washing my face with a washrag saturated in Dove bar soap, resulting in a very large amount of soap being forced under my eyelids (still not sure exactly how it happened). I spent a good five minutes rinsing it out with the school's water (which didn't help much, the chlorine just made it hurt more). Then security gave me a ride over to the clinic where the nurse helped me rinse it out more with sterile solution and let me keep the bottle for the rest of the evening of flushing that I'll be doing every so often. I finally got to work 45 minutes late. Now I'm sitting here trying to focus through the burning. It looks like someone tore the layer of white off my eye leaving a red layer of blood there. At least it doesn't seem to have swollen much. And I was having such a depressing day. Why did it all of a sudden have to go and turn into purgatory. I was fine sitting on the ridge of the valley of the shadow of death. But for some reason, I had to slip off the edge and roll down the side a little. Have you ever lost the use of one eye for any amount of time? It really freaks you out when you are a web developer. You can't do that job so well if you can't see. I've always wondered what it would be like to spend a day or a week blindfolded. I just never have tried it. Not many companies are looking to hire a blind guy. The first thing I thought of was all the lectures in Physical Science class about why it was so important to wear goggles that were always followed with the demonstration of an egg being broken into a petri dish and then adding a little hydrochloric acid (I think it was). The result was always the proteins solidifying and hardening the egg. Then the teacher would tell us that our eyes had similar proteins in it. I don't remember measurement conversion tables or anything like that. I just remember the "what not to do" lectures (and how I wondered what it would be like to feel something like that). If this is what soap feels like, I think I'll settle with this mental lesson and not move on to anything else. Hey! I can hold my eye open for a few seconds at a time now. I think it's getting a little better. I should be okay tomorrow. I just hope no one calls tonight. I'm wearing sun glasses to avoid some of the questions I know people will ask. Well, back to work. Congrats to everyone who is graduating with me. I'll see you all May 6th. Saturday, April 22, 200622-Apr-2006
I'm at a loss for words to describe the weekend I've had. The hike with Jessica and Amber was amazing. Last night we hiked 3 miles in a steady rain through knee deep water where we couldn't find the trail. We finally decided where we wanted to spend the night and hunkered down for some rest before completing the hiking experience the next day (after the rain stopped at 5 am). Today we hiked 11 miles to wrap it all up stopping at Double Falls for lunch and having breakfast before getting underway after waking up. I love camping food, it's so easy to make (open bag, insert fork or spoon). After we got back, I was a little late getting to the meeting point for an evening of dancing (tick check took longer than I wanted it to, but after having several crawl DOWN my legs on the ride home, it was needed). This week was McKindree as the schedule stated. I learned some really cool new couples Charleston moves that I worked on all night. If I could do anything for a weekend once a month, it would be exactly what I did this weekend. I'm gonna have to do this more often. My brother and I talked about both driving to the Smokeys and camping for a few days while hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail. We'll see what we can come up with. To Jessica, thanks for putting it all together for the hike. To Amber, thanks for trooping it out with us mental cases and for doing such a great job with the trails and fording in the river... To all the follows I danced with tonight, keep up the great work! Wednesday, April 19, 2006Tuesday, April 18, 200618-Apr-2006
You know it's bad when your IT group thinks a RAID is where you run in, burn everything down, and loot (with a side of plundering).
Monday, April 17, 2006Friday, April 14, 200614-Apr-2006
Gee, Brain, what are we going to do this weekend?
The same thing we do every weekend during the semester: get sick. Yes, of all amazing things, I'm sick again (something like the stomach flue). I won't be getting much done. I'm heading out to Mom's. She and Richard stopped by to pick me up and take me out to their place where they can take care of me better. I'll see you all when I get back. Wednesday, April 12, 200612-Apr-2006
Why does ITS suck so bad? Because most of the staff doesn't know how to do their jobs. Don't get me started about just the secretary/guard dog/helpdesk worker. Sometimes I wonder if she knows anything about computers. My ping was between 1000 and 2000 all afternoon and evening. For those of you who don't game much, let me just tell
you what it feels like to try and play online when you can only move your person every two minutes. I'm really ticked because that's the only release I have for all the stress of homework and graduation. This is driving me nuts. I just want to be done. I finally finished project 2 for Video Art class. I don't like how it turned out. Too many things I want to change that I can't because of the limitations of the technology we work with. Oh well. Good thing I won't be doing video work for a living. I'm done. That's the important part. Now, Amber and I just have to get the final project done. It should be really good. We both just have too much stuff for other classes on top of this one. I wish professors knew what working yourself through college was really like. None of them seem to care. "You just have to get it done" they tell me. I have choice words I would reply with if I didn't have self control. Many of them have roots that are four letters long. Today, my department head even stopped me and asked if everything was okay. She was the first person who noticed without me having said anything to first (she approached me - seems like most people outside my close circle of friends I have to hint at for about 20 minutes before they notice). But, I didn't think I looked that bad that people could tell I'm low on sleep and sick of staying up till 03:00 to try and force the last few edits through to completion. Two and a half weeks. That's all I have to say about that. I'm outta here in two and a half weeks. Thursday, April 6, 20066-Apr-2006
Meds... Dang it, Man
I started taking DayQuil this morning. Lets hope it can help with all the symptoms it says it can that I have. You know, the headache, congestion, sore throat, aches and pains... I really just need to go to bed, but one of my profs talked to me about my absenses and I'm getting close to the limit. I'VE BEEN SICK! I'm not missing class because I like skipping. Well, here I am again. Waiting for him (he's late evry Tues/Thurs to the 7:30). Monday, April 3, 20063-Apr-2006
I Just Wanna... Get Better
Yay. I'm sick again. This is really getting old. I'm tired of being sick week after week. Can't I just get some sleep? I'm okay with work hours, I just wish I didn't have to get up so early. Eight o'clock would be perfect. Stay up till midnight, get up 8 hours later. Easy, right? Not when you have 7:30s every day. I missed church yesterday and all my classes this morning with a headache and some other symptoms. Must Learn Patience Still waiting for five orders to get here. I put them all in Thursday night, and most were processed by Friday night. It should all be here by next Friday unless this one place really drags its feet (which the reviews said it would). I'll be in better spirits if I'm feeling normal when that gets here. Wednesday, March 29, 2006Sunday, March 26, 2006Thursday, March 23, 2006Tuesday, March 21, 200621-Mar-2006
Man, I'm out of it...
I'm officially someone I never wanted to be. I've reached the point where I can't stop moving or I'll fall asleep. I'm so tired. Sleep is a waste of time, because no matter how much I get, I wake up even more worn out than when I went to sleep. I think my subconscious is about to explode. One with the Trees Jessica put together a hike to Picket State Park for last Saturday. I've been on campus so long, I wanted to get off so bad, so when she told me about the trip, I jumped at it. We met Ben and Levi in front of Benson Hall at about 08:30 and drove the two and a half hours out there. We hiked/explored for about 4 hours before getting back on the road and heading home. Our first loop was a compilation of the lake trail, hazard cave trail, and natural bridge trial that came out to somewhere between 3 and 4 miles long. We had lunch in the cave (glad I thought of making a slew of sandwiches that morning before we left). We also took a break at the bridge to climb around a bit and lay in the sun. When we got back to the car, we looked around the lake where we started and then drove up a little ways to the trail head of the 10 mile loop. We hiked about a half a mile to a mile in to find a waterfall and then we got a lot of photos around there and did some climbing in the algae and such (very dangerously slippery, much fun was had). We then backtracked to get to the car and back to Nashville before 18:00 so I could have time to get ready for dancing. I would rate the trails at easy because there isn't nearly as much up and down as I've seen in the past, and our routes were short but beautiful. You can add a few more segments onto the loop we started out on to make it longer and a little more challenging if that is your cup of tea. I would recommend the park to anyone who is interested in a good day hike. We are gonna try and go back in a few weeks to do a day loop around the 10 miler or even an overnight trip if we can work that out over a long weekend. I Heart Trees!
Monday, March 20, 2006Tuesday, March 14, 200614-Mar-2006
Depression is when you are too busy to remember it's the second year anniversary of your father's death.
Monday, March 13, 2006Bad Day, Week, Month, Year, Life...
So, this is getting terribly routine. I'm sick again.
Nothing bad, just a really painful ear infection. They don't let you skip class for that. I've had it since last Thursday. That explains a little if you've run into me and I've been irritable. Sorry. I'm not mad at you. There's other stuff too. I talked to a good friend of mine for a little while last night. We talked about something that was becoming an issue and got it all worked out. So, I'm encouraged about that. I'm just not happy. I don't know what it's gonna take. I'm so depressed here at school that I have to get away and it still takes all my energy to find something good to focus on. I don't have enough time to occupy myself with positive things, so I'm dropping another class. Tennis starts up this week, and I need the exercise and the time in the sun, so I'm dropping HOP1 (wish I could still sit in on the lectures, I want to talk to the professor about that). I'm really stressed out and I know exactly why. I'm graduating in two months, and I don't have any details for after that. I like to know where I'm going before I get there, and unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. I have no job lined up for sure (I do at least have a few leads and one opportunity for sure). I don't know where I'm going to live. I don't know if we are going to the Ukraine or not. Tangent: All I really do know is it's taking forever for 11:00 to get here so I can get the Adobe Web Development package I ordered a few weeks ago from the mail room when it opens. Well, I filled out a review of the university and how well they fullfilled their mission statement. Needless to say, I'm less than pleased with the image of Christ this school claims to portray. But I have hope that with time, new leadership will be able to make the needed changes and that this institution will be a good example of the Christ we strive to follow. Ok, mail room opened (I was talking with friends). I'm gonna eat lunch now. Updates to come... Sunday, March 12, 2006Saturday, March 4, 2006Thursday, March 2, 20062-Mar-2006
Time for a Toy
I'm gonna get a new cell phone. I'm thinking of this one: So, It's got some nice specs: T-Mobile's SDA Okay... Yeah. Been wanting an MP3 player, but when I went out shopping today, none of the stores had the ones I had read up on. Then, while I was still in Best Buy, a friend called and reccomended I check out the SDA and the MDA. I'd love the MDA, but the price isn't worth it for me. I'm not really going to be using it for too much business, so the SDA would be enough. I can buy a few gig mini SD memory cards to hold music on and then, whola, MP3 player and cell upgrade all in one. Thing is, to get the best price, I would have to extend the commitment for 2 years, and I think I might want to split off my cell over the summer from the family plan so I can pay my own bill and get some extras down the road, like unlimited data transfer and such. I'm gonna talk to mom about it tomorrow in the car. We're driving down to Florida. I'm gonna see some friends I haven't seen in over 14 months. It's time to catch up. And go to the beach. I'm gonna have a tan again! We'll see how that goes. Heck, if I get bored, I may just remote in and do some work while I'm on break. I already have to take care of taxes and two big homework assignments. Well, I'm gonna go to sleep so I can get up in the morning, clean the apartment, pack, and leave at a decent hour. Catch you all on the other side. Not sure if I'll have internet, so no promises on updates
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