Thursday, December 29, 2005


Currently Gaming
Day of Defeat
By Activision
see related


Potter Puppet Pals is the best thing to hit the internet since back buttons.

HTML Area is a great tool I've seen for adding to CMS (Content Management System) portions of websites.  Too bad it's discontinued and I can't find a decent replacement for it.  That's why I always try to hang on to original source code for packages such as that.

In Other News...

Last night ruled.  One of the guys that helps out with the college group at First Naz. Nash. had us all over in place of the usual Wednesday night service (which was canceled this week).  Got to see Fantastic 4 for the first time.  Also, I watched part of the group play a game called "Loaded Questions."  That cracked me up.  But, you have to play it with a clean minded group of people.  Some people went south quick with their answers.  It was great just to hang out and chill with some good friends.  Well, time for breakfast (the party was late last night).

~ "The 'W'"

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will
fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Thank you Father God for looking out for me and showing me your way,
even when you only show me so much that I stumble along.  I want
to fallow you and do your will in this world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


This Suckith

Ok, so screw it all.  I'm gonna fail Systematic and (as far as I
know) ace all my other classes.  Talk about balancing one's focus
evenly.  Oh well.  It was a great semester.  I really
enjoyed classes.  Work isn't half bad either.

My social life is in the works (I think I got something worked out
between me and Mom - it really needed to be addressed).  There's
some other things I'm praying about, but there is only so much that can
happen at once, so I'm waiting for things to work out in time.

So, I have to get to class at 7:30 this morning so I can fail that test
and then present two projects and I'm done.  So glad this semester
is almost over.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


I'm not gonna quit.  But I do need to see if I can have more
time.  I should have gotten that CT scan scheduled right away to
get it done and over.  I wanted to wait until after finals, but
now I'm so stressed I can't even look at my books.  I feel like
I'm gonna throw up.  Still wishing I wasn't here.  Life keeps
on kicking (me while I'm down).  I hope no one else ever has to go
through this.

Oh, I also cut the side of my finger tonight while trying to get the
pizza cutter out.  Thank God for fingernales that stop sharp
objects.  Time to get a knife holder for our drawer.  ::adds
knives to list of things in life that suck::

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Thus I have completed basic training on the simple usage and
administration of a Linux server.  Now, on to the intermediate

I hate finals and I hate school.  I'm so burned out I don't care
that I'm about to fail Systematic Theology II.  I just want to be

Swing dancing is still great, and now that I have better shoes to dance
in, it is a lot of fun.  I just want to get some real swing shoes.

Goodnight all.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Well, I'm gonna get a CT scan next week.  This should
be fun.  This
has more info on a CT scan (or CAT - Computerized Axial
Tomography).  They're gonna run it just on my head.  This headache
and related symptoms warrant deeper checking, but the doc gave me some meds if
I get another really bad one.  Doc said they are last resort before going
to the hospital.  I've had headaches before, but nothing like
yesterday.  A quite scary experience considering what other conditions
have these symptoms (like a stroke - thus the lack of hesitation in shelling
out a few hundred for a CT scan).  I've realized something as a result of
all this that I need to get worked out before it eats me alive.  I just
don't know how to work it out.  I'm going back to the history of the
situation and I know where it comes from, but I don't know how to fix it or
even bring it up without offending the person involved.  Oh well. 
It's on hold till after finals.  Everything is.  I don't even know if
I'll be dancing this weekend.  This sucks.  I don't need all this
crap right now.  More later...


Oh fun.  I go to the doctor today.  We're gonna
see if I should get a CAT scan.  I've had a migraine since about 11
yesterday preceded by some unusual symptoms.  Today is a consultation
visit recommended by the school doctor.  I like Baptist Hospital . 
They have a cool series of buildings and I like the walkways between.  I
hate the timing.  There's always something like this right around
something major that I have to do like finish that paper for Dr.
Spaulding.  I don't even care about that class anymore.  I'm just so
tired of trying all semester long.  I don't feel like my college career
was worth the price it cost.  I couldn't have gotten this exact education
anywhere else, but then, did I really need it at all?  Not in the computer
industry.  And that's what bothers me.  I'll be in a better mood this
time next week (when all my finals are over).

I'm just too worn out, and I can't meet the deadlines I've been given. 
I'm now going to spend the rest of the week working on a 10 page book
review.  I'm again at that place where I'd rather be 6 feet under. 
Funny how almost none of this will matter when I'm dead (health obviously is no
longer an issue, and education - except where it pertains to God and Christian
living - doesn't mean a thing).  I hope I haven't wasted my life on
another societal mandate.

I wanna cuss.