Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Midnight Oil

... I'm burning it. It's almost midnight and I'm still at work. The managers were here late, so I stayed to get some extra work done (and get some extra cash), so I'm just now about to shut down and go home. After the extra sleep I got yesterday, this worked out well.

I got home from work late yesterday and my brother drove over to play some games with me after I ate dinner. We played a round of Galactic Battlegrounds and were doing really poorly, so just as we were starting the second game, I got violently ill, so I asked him to leave and went right to bed before I had a chance to hurl. I felt much better this morning after 10 hours of sleep, so I went and got my hair cut and got to work one minute before I had to clock in. Now it is 12 hours later, and I'm going home.

I'm coming back in tomorrow afternoon to work on a special project and make sure all the systems I finished tonight get calls to their owning customers.

Monday, August 13, 2007


So, I spent last night in the ER with Dana, Mom, and Richard and some friends from church. Dana had an incident in which she managed to fall on her head in a parking lot. She is ok, and was able to make her flight back to Ukraine this morning, but sure did give us all a scare. She seemed ok other than the nausea, so we didn't want to go to the ER, but some parametics were driving by and said it would be a good idea just to make sure everything is ok. There were lots of x-rays and a head CT scan, so the bill is gonna be high. Dana's medical insurance through the Missions Corps program only covers being treated for illnesses while overseas, so we're not exactly sure how we are going to cover all the bills.

I'm really trying to not think about her bills. I have my own finances to worry about right now. I'm really tired and stressed out. I am going to work late so I'll probably have to stay late. I really hope I don't scream at anyone today.

Please pray for us.

Monday, August 6, 2007


I feel like turning into the Hulk and throwing everything in my room out the window. I'm gonna see if I can make some progress cleaning it up. I have a lot of work I want to do, and I need more space to do it in. Should be fun... :-/