Friday, August 26, 2005


I'm back on campus.  I'm happy, but can't really show it.  I don't know why, but I haven't been feeling good today.  I feel sick, and it doesn't feel temporary.  I was barely able to eat anything, and my stomach has bothered me all afternoon.  Gonna go see the doc tomorrow if I can find him (I think he's on campus on Saturdays).  Please pray.  Thanks.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


There and Back Again: a Student's Holiday

Hey!  I made the drive in 17.5 hours (including the 4 stops I made along the say).  Mrs. L: thanks for the snacks and food to eat along the way; it was all very good.  I made three gas stops, and the other stop was around noon for lunch.  On one stretch, I got gas at 2 pm and didn't stop until I needed gas again at 8 pm.  I'm feeling confident about my abilities to drive, and am thankful that God kept me safe.  At one point in Missouri, there was a 6 or car/tractor trailer accident that I saw something like 7 emergency vehicles responding to.  I pray everyone was ok.  Traveling is dangerous.  It's also long.  And I'm done for a good while .  See you all at school!

Sunday, August 21, 2005


"I'm freakin' out, man" - Super Troopers

I'm never ever going  to watch that full movie ever again.  And I don't reccomend you do eather.  Get an edited version that has the bad stuff filtered out ( ).  But this line has big signifigance for me.  I am.  Tomorrow I attempt to drive back to Nashville in one day instead of two.  it is a 1200 mile trip that should take around 18 hours.  I plan to be off at 6:00 AM and if I don't have to stop and sleep, I'll be in Nashville at 1:00 AM the next day.  Right now, I'm planning to stop for a half hour of sleep or more towards the evening as a refresher.  That will slow me down, but I just want to get there and get the drive over with.  I'm gonna have DVDs going the entire time to listen to along with the 60+ CDs I have.

I'll also be making calls if it doesn't seem to early or late to talk.  If you want to give me some company, feel free to call.  My cell is on the ICE page if you are a TNU student.  Otherwise, you should either have my number or can call my ma and get the digits from her.  Don't have her number? Ouch.  You might be out of luck this go around.

I just finished laundry.  Now I remember why I hate dressing up.  You have to wash the stuff and then iron it.  So much work.  Glad I'm not a gal.  That would be more than I could take.  To worry about looking nice all the time and try to impress people...  Us guys can establish that we don't care, and then make a look out of that and everyone thinks we're so cool.  More like lazy bums with no proper training.  That's why I found some clothes that don't need as much care.  That's what I like to wear.  Let's face it.  Sometimes I just get too busy with school, work, helping fix student computers, and all the other things I do from time to time.  I'm working on learning to say no, but it's hard.  And beyond that, there are some times when the Christian thing gets in the way of the social/personal thing.  It's hard to know what to do.  But I know some things have to come first, so I have priorities and orders for things to get done in to make sure everything is done in order.

I'm so tired.  I'm gonna go get some sleep before finishing backing and loading the car.  I'll let you all know when I get into Nashville.

[edit] It is 5:00 AM Monday and I'm leaving in one hour.  Pray for me on the road.  And call if you get a chance .  I did the final gas stop/time planning last night.  It's gonna take me over 20 hours with no sleep stop, and there are no decent Sam's Club gas stations in Kanses.  Post @ you on the other side! [/edit]

Friday, August 19, 2005


Wow.  I'm sitting here waiting as my reviewers go over my documentation.  I just spent the last four hours and fifteen minutes presenting the "in"s and "out"s of my demo config of the system.  I felt confident going into it, and now, I don't know how I feel.  I'm mostly glad it's over.  I don't know how hard the scoring is, so I'm not sure what I'm going to get (out of 100 points).  Why do I feel like I just spent all summer in school and now I'm waiting for my final grade?  I think I basically did. 

Well, not sure when I'll find out how I did.  But, as I sit here now, all I can think about is how much I want to be back in Nashville with friends, dancing, playing games, working in CIT, and how much I'm gonna miss eveyone here at CXUSA, and the people I've spent time with out here in Denver.  Amazing how you can not want to do something you want to do so much.  That's how it was for me at the start of the summer, and it's the same now.  It's the same every time I make a major change, like my sister leaving.  I miss her, but I'm so glad she gets to do this.  I think I'm ready to settle.  Find a good job (if this one doesn't work out), get a home, and start thinking seriously about a family.  I'm sad that it feels like my life has gone so fast.  I'm ready for some lack of change for a little while.  Then I can go travel the world or something.  But for now, I want some peace and quite.  A little solitude, and a lot of friendship.  Something that resembles a calm, steady life.

And done.  They just told me I'm free to go.  Thus ends my summer of training and work at CXUSA.  Nashville, here I come on Monday.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Saturday, August 13, 2005


What Are You Smoking?

Ok, I can't keep this quiet.  I just went out to grab lunch, and as I was unlocking the office door to get back in, some guy pulling up to the light yelled out "QUEER!"  I think he was talking to me (because I didn't see anyone else as I looked around).  I just have to stop and ask, "What do you mean by that?  Do you mean homosexual?  I'm not.  Do you mean stupid/retarded/handicap?  I may be stupid sometimes, but that's as close as I get.  Do you mean weird?  OH YEAH I AM!"  And I'm proud of it.  Don't mess with "The 'W'", I'll show you a thing or two... 

So, here's a shout out to all you friends out there who are weird just like me.  I would hate for us to all be the same.


Currently Listening
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
By Howard Shore, Enya
see related

Wednesday, August 3, 2005


Odd Sense of Humor

So, I'm following the shuttle missions as closely as possible.  During a phone call with the Shuttle Discovery and International Space Station crew from President Bush, Commander Collins said in reply to thanks from the president, "We believe in our mission, and in getting people off Earth."

First of all, I didn't know life on Earth was so bad.  I mean, with all the wars, terrorists, and democrats, I still don't really want to leave all that much.  I would love to go to Heaven, but Mars isn't a stop on the way in my book (right now).


Second, I do know what she really meant (exploration and such), but some people think the earth won't last much longer (couple million more years or so) or that we are over crowded (like China, but they seem to be doing ok so far - could do without birth restrictions though, they aren't needed over there).  It really isn't that bad.  I don't think humans will be around long enough to need a new home planet, and population is easy enough to take care of - (I know this sounds coldhearted , but it's just life in a fallen world) natural disasters are doing okay on their own.  We don't need to kill our children.


Keep up the exploration, NASA.  I would like to visit Mars.  I just don't know about living there long term yet.  But who knows.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005


You had to be there...

The three of us that work in the same room of our office where talking about the power going out causing traffic lights near our office to not work a few weeks back.  This reminded me of natural disasters and how they cause similar events.  I mistakenly said "you" when referring to "Mother Nature," so Matthew (of Common Sense Commentary)  corrected me, at which point I said "it."  He proceeded to comment about how people say "it" rather than "she" because we don't want to refer to nature as feminine.

I retorted, "That is not the reason.  Feminists get angry when we blame it on a woman."

We all had a good laugh, but you would have had to been there for the precise timing of the events.  Also, this comment was based out our particular views of the feminist movment, so if you don't share our views, you might be offended.   Heh heh heh.

Ok, I've wasted 44.58 seconds of your day.  Have a good one and I'll give you something worth reading later...  

A friend's shirt reads:  "I'm not closed minded, you're just wrong."
Other shirt reads:  "Doing my part to anger the liberal left."