Friday, August 19, 2005


Wow.  I'm sitting here waiting as my reviewers go over my documentation.  I just spent the last four hours and fifteen minutes presenting the "in"s and "out"s of my demo config of the system.  I felt confident going into it, and now, I don't know how I feel.  I'm mostly glad it's over.  I don't know how hard the scoring is, so I'm not sure what I'm going to get (out of 100 points).  Why do I feel like I just spent all summer in school and now I'm waiting for my final grade?  I think I basically did. 

Well, not sure when I'll find out how I did.  But, as I sit here now, all I can think about is how much I want to be back in Nashville with friends, dancing, playing games, working in CIT, and how much I'm gonna miss eveyone here at CXUSA, and the people I've spent time with out here in Denver.  Amazing how you can not want to do something you want to do so much.  That's how it was for me at the start of the summer, and it's the same now.  It's the same every time I make a major change, like my sister leaving.  I miss her, but I'm so glad she gets to do this.  I think I'm ready to settle.  Find a good job (if this one doesn't work out), get a home, and start thinking seriously about a family.  I'm sad that it feels like my life has gone so fast.  I'm ready for some lack of change for a little while.  Then I can go travel the world or something.  But for now, I want some peace and quite.  A little solitude, and a lot of friendship.  Something that resembles a calm, steady life.

And done.  They just told me I'm free to go.  Thus ends my summer of training and work at CXUSA.  Nashville, here I come on Monday.

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