Tuesday, August 23, 2005


There and Back Again: a Student's Holiday

Hey!  I made the drive in 17.5 hours (including the 4 stops I made along the say).  Mrs. L: thanks for the snacks and food to eat along the way; it was all very good.  I made three gas stops, and the other stop was around noon for lunch.  On one stretch, I got gas at 2 pm and didn't stop until I needed gas again at 8 pm.  I'm feeling confident about my abilities to drive, and am thankful that God kept me safe.  At one point in Missouri, there was a 6 or car/tractor trailer accident that I saw something like 7 emergency vehicles responding to.  I pray everyone was ok.  Traveling is dangerous.  It's also long.  And I'm done for a good while .  See you all at school!

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