Saturday, July 28, 2007

Back in Action... Sorta

Okay, to everyone I promised to see tonight at Dacing in the Park, I'm sorry. I thought Kyle's wedding was an afternoon, not an evening event. There was dancing, but no follows who knew east coast, so I almost cried. But I'm ok now. Listening to the Goodman. I love the record player. It's so nice to have something from the past to make me feel a bit of a collection of the latest in technology, and a study of the past mediums as well. Ah, screw it, hand me another 33...

Monday, July 9, 2007

'Bout Time

So, last night, around 1 AM central, I finished everything I needed to do for phase one of the subcontracting I was doing on this website for Dream Builder Web Works. That is what I'm focusing on right now. Web development is what I love doing. I enjoy it and wouldn't mind working on sites for ten years or so and see where I am.

Speaking of, here are some random projections I see for myself in ten years:
  • Married with at least one kid
  • Monthly nature outings (a weekend biking, hiking, camping, something of that sort)
  • A "normal" job with flex time
  • Closer to God than I've ever been
So thats me in ten years.

I have a lot of news about computers and stuff, but I gotta go back to work. I may update this evening, or just go spend the evening with Dana. TTYL