Thursday, November 24, 2005



That is me doing something to stay wake yesterday while drving from
Nashville, TN to Durham, NC (line, reflecor, line, reflector...). 
Took me about 8.75 hours to finish the trip.  I stopped twice (and
the first time was only because after sitting there for 30 minutes to
go five miles, I needed to get rid of some stress and road rage and
also needed to go a little).  I was not in a good mood to sit in a
car by myself, and let's just say I took more than a few chances (btw,
I was returning my roommate's movie to a rental store and found a great
place to get airborne on some railroad tracks on East Thomson
Lane).  I was so tired when I got in, that I just wanted to
sleep.  So, that's what I did.

I need a lot of sleep.  I'm tired, and can't wait to get done with
school and on with life.  In time, things will be how I dream them
to be...

Can't think of anything more to write, I'm going back to sleep.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Monday, November 21, 2005


So Sick... (in more ways that one)

I slept from the time I signed off yesterday (around 16:00 CST) to
06:30 CST this morning.  that's about 14 hours when you take out
the three times I woke up (but only for 10 minutes each time).  It
felt so good to sleep that long, but I feel even less rested than
before because I have an assignment due in my 1:40 class that I am
close to being done, but need more time on.  This is gonna be a
quick update.

I think I know why no matter how much sleep I get, I can't get any
rest.  Stress is killing me.  Litterally.  I work and
work and work and don't make much progress on any of my
assignments.  I've still got that Systematic paper to do and a
final project to wrap up in HCI.  JavaScript has another final
project we are getting today (we ended the last project on
Friday).  And Church History is just gone.  We had a test
Thursday, and I again didn't have time to study because of the projects
I'm working on.  Can I quit now?  The thought of it all being
over in 2.5 weeks does not make me happy.  I'm just beat. 
You sometimes hit that point where you get your second wind, but I hit
that 2 weeks ago, and it didn't do any good.  I'm about to just
drop from the exhaustion.

That's why I'm taking my own breaks.  The hike was so great. 
I needed it.  The movie Saturday was good too, and the time in
Opryland Hotel was fun as well.  I really wanted to go to the
cookout at Brent's new place, and I miss swing dancing (which we did a
little in one of the hallways at the hotel because they where playing
some Christmas jazz), but I did not have the energy or will to drive
that much.  I was just too tired.  Sorry to everyone who was
expecting me to be there.  I'll try again in two weeks.  For
now, I'll be greatful for the little bit of money I saved on gas (now
that prices are coming down again).

So, Wednesday I leave for North Carolina.  I'm gonna stop by Ju's
place and see everyone there if they have the time.  I'm also
dropping two people in Ashville on my way there and bringing them back
to school on the return trip.  Gonna be a long drive, but at least
I have traveling buddies.  Sure, I don't know them, but they need
a ride, and I need to not go crazy.

I'm gonna go do homework now.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


So, life still sucks and I'm still tired.

But there's good news.  This morning was so cool.  Meg,
Amber, and I went out to Ceders of Lebanon and hiked the 5 mile loop in
about 2.5 hours.  We had a 30 minute stop at a cave we crawled a
little ways back into, so the total time on the trail was 3
hours.  We're wanting to go back just for the caving in the one
explorable one we found.  The only thing that stopped us was the
lack of a flash light.  I've got rules about safety on
hikes.  We were about to crawl back farther, but I didn't want one
of us to wind up getting hurt to where that person wouldn't be able to
get back out the narrow opening we had to slide through on our stomachs
to get in.  We'll do it again some time when we have the gear for
it - flashlights.  Some pads would be nice too.  We'll see
what we can do.

So, I don't feel bad about missing church, but I didn't realize how
much it defines my week.  It feels like Saturday.  Oh well, I
just can't forget class tomorrow.

Ok, laptop battery needs a charge and I need sleep.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Do you ever have one of those days when you wish you could just die?

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Woo hoo!  I've been on xanga for one year and a day today. 366
days of logs, thoughts, and other random things.  I like xanga,
but not enough to pay for it.  As I posted in my last entry, I am
saving up money.

I have more things to say, but you'll have to ask me in person if you
want to hear any of them.  I'm not in the mood to say it online
right now, but I do want other people to hear about it.

Monday, November 7, 2005

Tuesday, November 1, 2005


Crap.  I've been tagged.  I'm trying to take my mind off of some other stuff so I'll do this now.


10 YEARS AGO: 1995
I think this is around the time my family was off on one of those vacations we would have every couple of years.  I loved and miss those.
I was 9 and enjoying life.

5 YEARS AGO: 2000
Laughing at everyone who was worried about Y2K.  I'm not a nice guy :)
Started at PBAC (now U).  Had to keep showing my permit to prove I was only 15.

1 YEAR AGO: Nov. 2004
Getting to know a group of friends here at TNU.
Mom moved up to Madison after getting remarried over Thanksgiving.  I can't believe it's almost been two years since my dad passed away.  It feels like it's bee so much longer, and yet so short.

YESTERDAY: Monday, I hate Mondays.
I was sick all day from a very cold camping trip over the weekend.  I rested all day.  Seriously, thats all I did.

Those peanut butter crackers
Granola bars
Ice cream
PB&J (yeah, it's only a snack)
Ham and Cheese (see above comment)

What's a song? Oh, ok, I'll try:
Almost everything by Coldplay
A lot of Wierd Al
Good old Nazarene hymns
Happy Birthday and seasonal songs...

Run away to Mexico for a very long time
Tithe, pay taxes , and start my own farm or business (or both)

Canada (in case of a draft in the loft...)
China (yeah, find me there!)
Japan or around Churnoble (free radiation treatment in case I ever get cancer)
A polar region

Can't think of anything.  Take that however you want, but just don't get dirty.

Family Guy
Sci-fi Fridays (all three shows)
Anything Trek
Random stuff (I have issues with a TV addiction, I think.  I plan to not have one when I'm on my own)

Eternal Optimisim (and wanting people to actually live it out)
Always wanting to help (when I never have the time)
Nails - working on that one

Number one is out right now.  Prayer would be nice for God's leading in this.
Hiking/Camping/Outdoors/Farm Life

Laura M, pknaz, everyone in CIT (who is willing)


Dang, need to update.  This weekend was Fab 5 or F^5 or the
Fabulous Festival of Fun Fall Frolicking (no it's not as bad as it
sounds).  We went out Friday night to the farm of a family in the
church for a weekend of relaxing and fun.  Only problem was the
ambient temperature.  It got down to 27 degrees that night which
is a bit cold if you don't have the gear for it.  Most of us had
at least one part freeze over night (my feet woke me up early to get
out of the tent and to a fire quick).  That was the worst of it,
and now Laura and I are getting over being sick all weekend.  It
was worth it though.  All morning Saturday, 4 of us took turns on
the ATVs.  There were some really nice jumps on a few of the hills
there and I gotta say I could have a lot of fun with one of those once
I get a place of my own.

Speaking of, I want a nice farm with acerage
somewhere in the double digits.  I'm shooting for a couple of dogs
(with at least one that likes to go running), and two horses (calm and
good for riding).  As far as other animals, we'll just have to
wait and see, but goats and rabbits are also in mind along with
chickens (which have a minus for the noise) and ducks in a pond.

enough dreaming.  Now that I'm feeling mostly better, I've gotta
get on that homework that I needed to do over the weekend while I was
sick.  I'll post again soon when I have more to write about.