Thursday, November 17, 2005


Currently Listening
Songs & Prayers
By Taize
see related


  1. Hang in there Daryl. I will be praying for you.

  2. Daryl, I'm sure you've heard this before, you may not want to hear it now, and that is why text is wonderful: you have the option to not read it. What you see as God not acting could actually be God acting, if He does indeed act. For the sake of sparing you a faith-shaking debate, we'll assume He does. ♦ Theory 1: Maybe He is saying, "Daryl, I'll grant you a wonderful companion, but it's not going to be that companion." ♦ Theory 2: Maybe He is saying, "Daryl, I'll grant you a wonderful companion, but first I want to feed this area of your life. Let me first entrust you with this area, and then I'll grant you joy in the other." ♦ Theory 3: Maybe He is saying, "Daryl, I'll grant you a wonderful companion, but it's not gonna be her, and it's not gonna be now." ♦ Theory 4: This one you might dread at the moment, but maybe you're "called" (uh, that's another faith-shaking debate word that we'll use for the sake of sparing all) to a life of celibasy. Or monasticism. At any rate, don't miss out on what He offers you now because you're looking for something different. I'm sure that's not the compassionate response you had hoped for.

  3. I'll be praying for you, Daryl. Feel free to email me if there's anything I can do for you. Above everything, keep trusting God.

  4. Hey Daryl, just remember, you're better at this than me. Heh.
