Monday, November 21, 2005


So Sick... (in more ways that one)

I slept from the time I signed off yesterday (around 16:00 CST) to
06:30 CST this morning.  that's about 14 hours when you take out
the three times I woke up (but only for 10 minutes each time).  It
felt so good to sleep that long, but I feel even less rested than
before because I have an assignment due in my 1:40 class that I am
close to being done, but need more time on.  This is gonna be a
quick update.

I think I know why no matter how much sleep I get, I can't get any
rest.  Stress is killing me.  Litterally.  I work and
work and work and don't make much progress on any of my
assignments.  I've still got that Systematic paper to do and a
final project to wrap up in HCI.  JavaScript has another final
project we are getting today (we ended the last project on
Friday).  And Church History is just gone.  We had a test
Thursday, and I again didn't have time to study because of the projects
I'm working on.  Can I quit now?  The thought of it all being
over in 2.5 weeks does not make me happy.  I'm just beat. 
You sometimes hit that point where you get your second wind, but I hit
that 2 weeks ago, and it didn't do any good.  I'm about to just
drop from the exhaustion.

That's why I'm taking my own breaks.  The hike was so great. 
I needed it.  The movie Saturday was good too, and the time in
Opryland Hotel was fun as well.  I really wanted to go to the
cookout at Brent's new place, and I miss swing dancing (which we did a
little in one of the hallways at the hotel because they where playing
some Christmas jazz), but I did not have the energy or will to drive
that much.  I was just too tired.  Sorry to everyone who was
expecting me to be there.  I'll try again in two weeks.  For
now, I'll be greatful for the little bit of money I saved on gas (now
that prices are coming down again).

So, Wednesday I leave for North Carolina.  I'm gonna stop by Ju's
place and see everyone there if they have the time.  I'm also
dropping two people in Ashville on my way there and bringing them back
to school on the return trip.  Gonna be a long drive, but at least
I have traveling buddies.  Sure, I don't know them, but they need
a ride, and I need to not go crazy.

I'm gonna go do homework now.

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