Saturday, August 13, 2005


What Are You Smoking?

Ok, I can't keep this quiet.  I just went out to grab lunch, and as I was unlocking the office door to get back in, some guy pulling up to the light yelled out "QUEER!"  I think he was talking to me (because I didn't see anyone else as I looked around).  I just have to stop and ask, "What do you mean by that?  Do you mean homosexual?  I'm not.  Do you mean stupid/retarded/handicap?  I may be stupid sometimes, but that's as close as I get.  Do you mean weird?  OH YEAH I AM!"  And I'm proud of it.  Don't mess with "The 'W'", I'll show you a thing or two... 

So, here's a shout out to all you friends out there who are weird just like me.  I would hate for us to all be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Daryl the world would be realing boring and "Queer" if we didn't have some weird people like you.  Ok I am weird too but its ok.
