Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Oh fun.  I go to the doctor today.  We're gonna
see if I should get a CAT scan.  I've had a migraine since about 11
yesterday preceded by some unusual symptoms.  Today is a consultation
visit recommended by the school doctor.  I like Baptist Hospital . 
They have a cool series of buildings and I like the walkways between.  I
hate the timing.  There's always something like this right around
something major that I have to do like finish that paper for Dr.
Spaulding.  I don't even care about that class anymore.  I'm just so
tired of trying all semester long.  I don't feel like my college career
was worth the price it cost.  I couldn't have gotten this exact education
anywhere else, but then, did I really need it at all?  Not in the computer
industry.  And that's what bothers me.  I'll be in a better mood this
time next week (when all my finals are over).

I'm just too worn out, and I can't meet the deadlines I've been given. 
I'm now going to spend the rest of the week working on a 10 page book
review.  I'm again at that place where I'd rather be 6 feet under. 
Funny how almost none of this will matter when I'm dead (health obviously is no
longer an issue, and education - except where it pertains to God and Christian
living - doesn't mean a thing).  I hope I haven't wasted my life on
another societal mandate.

I wanna cuss.