Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Well, I'm gonna get a CT scan next week.  This should
be fun.  This
has more info on a CT scan (or CAT - Computerized Axial
Tomography).  They're gonna run it just on my head.  This headache
and related symptoms warrant deeper checking, but the doc gave me some meds if
I get another really bad one.  Doc said they are last resort before going
to the hospital.  I've had headaches before, but nothing like
yesterday.  A quite scary experience considering what other conditions
have these symptoms (like a stroke - thus the lack of hesitation in shelling
out a few hundred for a CT scan).  I've realized something as a result of
all this that I need to get worked out before it eats me alive.  I just
don't know how to work it out.  I'm going back to the history of the
situation and I know where it comes from, but I don't know how to fix it or
even bring it up without offending the person involved.  Oh well. 
It's on hold till after finals.  Everything is.  I don't even know if
I'll be dancing this weekend.  This sucks.  I don't need all this
crap right now.  More later...


  1. I hope your head feels better soon! No fun! You can get through this! Gid never gives you more than you can handle.
