Thursday, December 29, 2005


Potter Puppet Pals is the best thing to hit the internet since back buttons.

HTML Area is a great tool I've seen for adding to CMS (Content Management System) portions of websites.  Too bad it's discontinued and I can't find a decent replacement for it.  That's why I always try to hang on to original source code for packages such as that.

In Other News...

Last night ruled.  One of the guys that helps out with the college group at First Naz. Nash. had us all over in place of the usual Wednesday night service (which was canceled this week).  Got to see Fantastic 4 for the first time.  Also, I watched part of the group play a game called "Loaded Questions."  That cracked me up.  But, you have to play it with a clean minded group of people.  Some people went south quick with their answers.  It was great just to hang out and chill with some good friends.  Well, time for breakfast (the party was late last night).

~ "The 'W'"

1 comment:

  1. RYC: The Trevecca mold...the one where everyone wants you to be what they want you to be...where people seem to be but rarely are...
