Sunday, October 1, 2006


Other than that I have to work some Sundays, I really like my job .  I 
managed to assist  many  customers on my own and was also able to make
$5 bucks of spiff money (essentially commission, but not the same)  It's all cool.  That covered my half hour lunch break.  Sundays are good days to work, as are Saturdays (most customers, highest chances of selling warranty service - Technology Assurance Program, a.k.a. TAP - and other value added stuff).

I don't understand some people.  They think they have so much money , that spending a few extra dollars to cover a $400 computer isn't worth it.  They consider that to be disposable.  Heck, you're gonna have to buy a new one if this one breaks and it isn't covered.  So here's the deal.  Go ahead and buy two now.  You're gonna be spending it anyways down the road.  But, I will pay for the warranty on your system, so when it breaks, when you would have bought the computer you gave me, you just take yours in and have it fixed, while I get a computer myself to give someone who needs it.  Doesn't that make more sense?

Never go shopping with your family.   This lady knows nothing about computers, needs some solutions for hers.  I set her up.  I offer TAP.  I almost have her buying it.  She had yes on the tip of her tongue.  Then her daughter reccomends she ask her "technically inclined" son (her kids are grown).  He's been burned by cheap warranties in the past, so he thinks they are all a waste of money and we are trying to cheat him.  He knows nothing about TAP, but won't even hear it.  I show him the info on it and he goes straight to the exclutions and reads off how we don't cover rusting of metalic parts and such.  Duh, don't leave your $ 300 unit out in the rain.  That's an easy one.

Oh well, don't ask me to understand people.   Oh, and this kid comes in and buys about $ 500 of harddrives from me and doesn't want to warranty them.  Ok, kiddo: the whole reason you are in here replacing them is because your last one FAILED!  But far be it from me to actually reccomend something that might help you.  Ok, I'm good.  Done venting (plasma into the atmosphere of humanity's soul).

And if anyone who turned me down today (or any day) is reading this, I really wish you would reconsider.  These programs are in place to protect you, and if you really understood how they worked, I think you would see how much they really do protect you.  We don't make the hardware.  We do our best to stock high quality equipment, but in the end, we get what the manufacturer makes.  And if they make a bad unit, you get a bad unit.  And if that unit breaks and you don't have it TAPed, we can't help you.  If you do TAP it, we can do our best to recover any lost information and replace it with properly functioning equipment.  Right down to the everyday upgrades for your home or computer.

WoW.   I can't decide if I want to sleep or level my Druid (9800 XP to level - that's like 20 beasts outside Camp Mojache in Feralas.  Ok, I think I'll grind and look for ZF for an hour and then go to sleep...


  1. You know; I completely understand.  It's even more fun when the warrenty you sell tacks onto the end of the company's warrenty. . . "But I don't need a warrenty for three years; if it's gonna break it'll do it in two, right?"

  2. I _KILL THEM_ every chance I get!
