Monday, March 13, 2006

Bad Day, Week, Month, Year, Life...

So, this is getting terribly routine.  I'm sick again. 
Nothing bad, just a really painful ear infection.  They don't let
you skip class for that.  I've had it since last Thursday. 
That explains a little if you've run into me and I've been
irritable.  Sorry.  I'm not mad at you.

There's other stuff too.  I talked to a good friend of mine for a
little while last night.  We talked about something that was
becoming an issue and got it all worked out.  So, I'm encouraged
about that.

I'm just not happy.  I don't know what it's gonna take.  I'm
so depressed here at school that I have to get away and it still takes
all my energy to find something good to focus on.  I don't have
enough time to occupy myself with positive things, so I'm dropping
another class.  Tennis starts up this week, and I need the
exercise and the time in the sun, so I'm dropping HOP1 (wish I could
still sit in on the lectures, I want to talk to the professor about

I'm really stressed out and I know exactly why.  I'm graduating in
two months, and I don't have any details for after that.  I like
to know where I'm going before I get there, and unfortunately, life
doesn't work that way.  I have no job lined up for sure (I do at
least have a few leads and one opportunity for sure).  I don't
know where I'm going to live.  I don't know if we are going to the
Ukraine or not.

Tangent: All I really do know is it's taking forever for 11:00 to get
here so I can get the Adobe Web Development package I ordered a few
weeks ago from the mail room when it opens.

Well, I filled out a review of the university and how well they
fullfilled their mission statement.  Needless to say, I'm less
than pleased with the image of Christ this school claims to
portray.  But I have hope that with time, new leadership will be
able to make the needed changes and that this institution will be a
good example of the Christ we strive to follow.

Ok, mail room opened (I was talking with friends).  I'm gonna eat lunch now.  Updates to come...

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