Sunday, September 17, 2006


As you can see in my title bar, there are two new additions lately.

First, I joined .  PAMD64 is an online community of 64 bit computer enthusiasts (such as myself), who discuss everything from old and new hardware, to operating software and other programs.  It starts as bunch of people saying, "Look how good my computer is!" and develops into a good support community for people with questions who want to learn from people who have been there (so to speak).

Second, I have joined their Folding@Home ( FAQ , Team Stats ) team (which is a distributed computing system that functions on hundreds of thousands of computers and creates a supercomputer via idle processors on home computers).  The F@H project is folding proteins in an effort to map the human genome and advance the medical research community.  This information may eventually be used to cure diseases such as alzheimer's and even cancer (something I'd like to be involved in because my dad passed away from cancer two and a half years ago).  The project is administered by Stanford University , and has upwards of 572,548 members (last count as of this posting).

Comment or e-mail me if you have any questions about any of this.

Edit: Took the stats out of my title bar, didn't link correctly (they may have external linking disabled).

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