Sunday, January 8, 2006


What the heck?

Y'all know Mt. Olivet Cemetery over on Lebanon Pk. near Fesler's
Lane?  Well they have a sale going on: buy 3 get 1 free. 
HELLO!  These are cemetery plots you're selling.  Why do you
have a sale going on like I'm shopping for towels?  The first time
I saw it, I was so surprised I almost needed to pull over and laugh for
a bit.  Then I started thinking about it and reading too much into
it an it's almost cheapening the last rights of anyone on Earth. 
"Hey, let's get a discount so when you die we saved some money..."

But then I read a lot into stuff like that with my dad passing
away.  My family had to decided how much to spend on his funeral
and burial.  Mom wanted a cremation, but my brother wanted a
traditional burial even though it is more expensive because in history
burning was not a Christian thing...

Any ways, I miss my dad and wish he was still around.  But I know my heavenly father is taking care of me.


  1. Yeah, awhile back I posted a pic of that on my xanga...They've actually had that sign up for quite some time. It cracked me up too I kinda want to enlarge my pic and send it to Leno.

  2. I didn't know that the cemetary was haveing that kind of deal. Is that even ethical? Anyways... finally read your posts about the ski trip and I am glad that you went. : ) Have a great day!

  3. Coo beans. See you all around campus!
