Saturday, January 26, 2008

One Week Down, Lifetime to Go

I just said that last night to my roommate, but after it left my mouth, I was abruptly awakened to the fact that that is the most likely situation. Companies aren't taking care of former employees the way people used to be when they retired. You have to be high up on the corporate pedestal to get a decent retirement package at most places, and even then, they may fire you for no other reason than to not pay retirement (TN has some really messed up employment laws). I can't count on Social Security (come on, someone make a joke). I will more than likely shift jobs every 5 to 10 years in order to maintain relevance or recover from downsizing in the computer industry due to an unfortunate pattern I'm starting to notice.

But then, I am really tired so I might not have the best perspective. Jay had some guys over last night and a few drank a bit too much and got ill. The smoke floating back into the house that could be smelled from any room may have contributed. People never stop asking me why I don't drink. It's because I've seen enough people screw themselves up because of alcohol. I feel bad for the guys, but then, they did do it to themselves; I only had a little pity on them.

Work is good. My head is about to explode with all the info I'm cramming into it, but I have to finish learning this stuff in the next couple of days, so I have a lot of reading to go.

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