Monday, November 10, 2008

I Am Aware (Wordpress Import)

Okay, so I know I'm not keeping this very up-to-date. Between being sick all weekend and experimenting with Twitter [my Twitter page], I honestly have done very little this weekend. Speaking of, I have an e-mail to sent to a client about some work I just finished this evening. I had to take a couple of sick days this past week and have been trying to do a little to catch up over the weekend.

There's been something nagging in the back of my mind. I don't know how to put it into words. I guess it's that I don't really celebrate holidays for me. I've been thinking about this a lot as my first Thanksgiving - away from everyone I've ever had a longstanding relationship with - draws near. I've started thinking a little about what these different holidays mean to me and I guess I never really claimed any of them. I mainly celebrate dates and commemoration because of what they mean to people I know. I debated even not decorating the apartment at all this year since I'll not even be here over the holiday itself, but I will get a small tree, I think, and a few modest decorations. A small collection of things so I can stay mobile, hoping to not be in this exact apartment for the next Christmas.

It's strange to think of things that way... to look forward to the future and ask myself what I am going to do that first Christmas I can't go visit all the family in one place. We've always celebrated together. It's also hiding in the back somewhere, in the far reaches of my mind... that question of what to do if/when I get married and her family is not within a short drive of my family. How do we split up vacations? What guidelines would we set to govern which holidays are spent at one set of parents or the other? I can mostly put this out of my mind because I luckily don't think it will be an issue for at least a number of years down the road. And there is always the chance I will be the single guy the rest of my life. This weekend in the apartment has let me settle a bit and get some perspective on my current settings and career heading.

I've also started reading real life books again (instead of everything online all the time or on the computer screen, as a better way to put it). I'm going through "Life Together," [Amazon link] a study in Christian community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I read it for school and honestly can't remember a thing about it, so I am starting again through all of those books that were rushed or even skipped entirely during classes. I'll have to do a synopsis of it some time for the blog.

Well, it's late and I'm beat and still recovering, so farewell for now, my readers.

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