Monday, January 15, 2007

c0mpu13rs r f1 (Computers are Fun)

1337!  I'm having fun with my computers again!  I've not played World of Warcraft the last few days, and it's been really nice.  I miss the guys, but I'm having more fun shopping and working on my computers.

I finally got the BIOS flashed on my old trashy 400 MHz Celey.  Turns out the program is case sensitive on telling it where the update file is located.  DOS and Windows don't care at all about character case, so that threw me way off.  It was like working on Linux or Unix or something like that!  Now I can use DBAN ( Darik's Boot and Nuke ) on drives larger than the 30GB limit on the old BIOS.

Speaking of Linux, I'm about to install Darwin on one of my systems (not sure which one yet).  It is basically all the open-source (free and thus must be released freely) components Apple uses in OS X (and it is actually most of the system, no wonder it only costs $100, they didn't write much of it themselves to begin with).

Related to that last comment is the fact that I still wanna get my main desktop running Ubuntu/other Linux flavor soon so I can get it folding the SMP client asap.  The SMP client is much faster than the default Windows client, but currently only works on Linux based kernals (Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X).  BTW, Folding@Home is a public "distributed computing" program run by Stanford ( ) aimed at curing diseases/furthering medical research by using my computer when I'm not (anyone who wants to can get involved and let Stanford use their computer, just it's called distributed computing).  I have three systems running 24/7.  I'm hoping that their cancer research in particular succeeds (those of you who know about my dad will understand why).

Speaking of my dad, I wen to Mom and Richard's yesterday after attending a concert at her church in the evening.  I set up her printer that I gave her for Christmas so she can print her own photos now.  While we were finishing the setup, she asked if I could show her how to print something off, and as we where looking through all the photos, I found one that I want to enlarge and frame.  It's a picture of my nephew D.T. at my dad's grave.  he's standing there directly beside the headstone and is bent down just enough to be touching the W in our last name.  I'll try to post it when I get home tonight or before work tomorrow.  I just can't explain how much that photo means to me.  That one picture represents everything to me.  Life, death, and the coming new birth.  The hopeless darkness and lostness that exists and yet the pure, perfect innocence of guiltlessness are summed up in a single moment, beautifully captured.

I miss Dad.

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