Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Of Updates and Time

Alas, the semester is in full swing and I am low on free time.  I'm having a hard time keeping up with homework and TV is really becoming an issue.  I don't want to have a TV in my apartment when I graduate because I have better things to do with my time than sit there and stare at a little black box with a flashing screen.  I prefer white boxes that I can interact with (computers).

Speaking of, I finally got that small hard drive I was needing to get a linux box up and running.  Now I can't find my linux CDs.  I had a ton of distros and reorganized that CD wallet over the summer.  As a result, I can't find any of the older distros, and that computer doesn't have a DVD drive, so I can't instal Debian on it from the DVDs I made this summer.  I'll work on  that another day.

Laura's family is really cool.  Reminds me of my family (pre dad's passing) a lot.  I feel at home there and enjoyed getting to spend Sunday with them.

Well, time for lunch.  TTYL!

1 comment:

    Anyway, I'm glad you're making good use of the drive.  And TV isn't horrible, I like it a whole lot.  History Channel, Discovery, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network{Go Family Guy!}).  Lotsagood!
