Thursday, July 14, 2005


I hate my life, but I love it too.
I don't like what I'm doing, but I do.
I feel depressed, but I'm happy and content with almost everything.
Basically, I just can't figure it out.
Life's being that way right now.

I'm having a great time out here in Denver.  Tonight is another Halo 2 match...  Fun times for all.  It starts earlier than last time, so I can get to bed at a decent hour.  I really don't know of any reason to be unhappy other than one problem in my life God hasn't chosen to resolve for quite a few years now (something that's been going on for 5+ years now).  I've done everything I can think to on my end in addition to praying about it a lot.  I guess I'm just not happy with where I am.  I want to move on in my relationship with God, but I'm stuck on this one thing.  So yeah, I think that might be why I'm down.  But it doesn't make sense to me.

In Other News

I've been thinking about my family and friends, but in a healthy way.  I could be wishing I was there now, but I know I'll be seeing them soon enough, and I'm enjoying my stay here in Denver and hanging out with people here rather than sulking about the people who aren't here.  Sure, I miss everyone, but I'm here right now, and that is where I am.  To those who aren't here, I'll see you asap; to those who are, lets have some fun before I leave! 


  1. Hey bro, thanks for the hard work on that photo CD!  It is awesome.  I'll see ya soon!  Grace and Peace Out - J.

  2. RYC: YES we DO need to go do a photo shoot sometime!! What kind of stuff do you want to shoot? Landscape, architecture, nature, animals, people...? Any? All? I'm unavailable the entire time of August 17-23 Hehehehe!

  3. Oh yeah...I'm bringing my Nike roller hockey in-lines back this fall so that we can play out on the tennis courts again!  See you in 3 weeks bro.  Thanks again for the Ukraine CD - it was awesome!  -J.
