Saturday, March 3, 2007

I'm not an insomniac, I just like nights...

So, yesterday I woke up in the living room after an hour or two of sleep at 1
AM. It was cool. So I bumped the heat up a notch and sat down behind my
computers. Wednesday, I bought a package called Acronis Disk Director Suite . It was explained to me that it works better than Norton Ghost, so I gave it a shot (for $25 employee cost). I used it to transfer my Windows XP Pro 64bit off the RAID 0 array and onto a 120 GB hard drive (it moves data, resizes partitions... just about anything you could need; it takes care of the partition table, MBR, and all that other stuff too. I know this sounds more like an ad than a review, but it's neither. Anyways, works great. Got my data moved. So I was sitting there Saturday morning at 1AM thinking to myself, "What am I gonna do with  the seven hours before I have to go to work?" So I wrote a few e-mails, read a bunch of stuff online, and then remembered that I wanted to install Linux on my main desktop. So I did.  Twice. In the process of attempting to get dual screens working correctly (using the generic method, rather than the restrictive one for my graphics card), I bricked the installation and couldn't figure out how to get back into a terminal to fix it. So I saved some time by starting the reinstall and making breakfast around four or five in the morning. So, I started over, got it working (after a few tries and error messages), and was back up and running. With dual screens. I have this strange "whiter than sour cream" feeling in my head right now. I spent the last hour before work setting up Folding@Home via the SMP client (stupid lib dependencies). I'm around 40% done with my first SMP work unit. At this moment, I'm working on freeing up some space (using Acronis to move data to a larger drive) so I can install World of Warcraft and CounterStrike: Source. Once I'm done with that, who knows... but heck this is fun.  I think I'm gonna just start going to bed as soon as I get home from work and do all this stuff early in the morning when there are no distractions. It's nice and quiet when I leave the radio off. Well, time to be thinking about church and my afternoon plans. God's peace to you all.

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