Friday, April 27, 2007


It's another... World of Warcraft update. Current character standings:

LilKitten is Feral spec Druid at level 64 questing in Zangarmarsh
ShaddowOfFury is Beastial spec Hunter at level 29.5 questing in Duskwood, Wetlands, and being run through Gnomer regularly by a 70 friend

That's that. Haven't played the alts much. Just trying to hit 70 on both servers as soon as possible. But the job and sanity are more important, and work is crazy these days, so I'm not leveling much right now.

I got some overtime at work tonight, about two hours. I looked at how much I will make after taxes for doing that much extra work, and realized that it wasn't quite worth it. I need to find a part time job elsewhere to supplement my income. I need a real job. This place doesn't really count in my book anymore. Management hates the staff because of the theft that turned up in the last inventory. The staff hates management for the (lack of decent) HR policies. I spend a good part of the day taking the brunt of the angry customers because their computer wasn't fixed within ten minutes of dropping it off. I can deal with that. It's the fact that some of my fellow employees need to grow up a little that has made this week so much worse than it could have been.

Well, it's late, I'm tired, and I've resorted to griping, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Meaning of "Dear"

Dear Reader,

I would like to draw your attention to a shift. Unfortunately, I do not have the time it takes to properly develop this topic, but the premise is as follows: we have stopped using the word dear when we write letters. E-mail has made writing messages so quick and informal (as well as a common occurrence), that we are now writing to anyone and everyone. The term dear denotes at least some concern for the person, if not affection of some sort, and so we say "Hey" or "Hello." Sometimes, I even catch myself writing an e-mail that starts out, "To [Someone]," which I find to be a cold and detached way to start a letter.

Back when writing a letter to someone actually took some time, there was some point to it, and you usually only wrote to someone if they were important to you in some way, there was a lot more thought and feeling put into a letter. Now, I can fire off a good 50 e-mails a day to anyone I want for free. Technology has a way of taking the personal out of interpersonal communication.

Please, do me a favor next time you write a message to someone you care about. If you don't already, start it out with "Dear." Tell that someone they are important enough to you for you show some sort of relationship past "I'm meeting you on the street randomly and thought it wouldn't hurt me to say hi."

Sincerely yours,

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Ever feel like it's all one big setup? Like someone or something is trying to manipulate time and space into submission of it's will? Well, sometimes, if not often, you would be right. And it's not always a bad thing. It can be good. You just gotta take it as it comes and work with it to get positive results.

Life is a fun little challenge, even when you don't get the response you want, or when things don't go your way. There's something hidden in there you haven't seen yet.

This has been "Life's Little Gems" with Wesley