Tuesday, November 1, 2005


Dang, need to update.  This weekend was Fab 5 or F^5 or the
Fabulous Festival of Fun Fall Frolicking (no it's not as bad as it
sounds).  We went out Friday night to the farm of a family in the
church for a weekend of relaxing and fun.  Only problem was the
ambient temperature.  It got down to 27 degrees that night which
is a bit cold if you don't have the gear for it.  Most of us had
at least one part freeze over night (my feet woke me up early to get
out of the tent and to a fire quick).  That was the worst of it,
and now Laura and I are getting over being sick all weekend.  It
was worth it though.  All morning Saturday, 4 of us took turns on
the ATVs.  There were some really nice jumps on a few of the hills
there and I gotta say I could have a lot of fun with one of those once
I get a place of my own.

Speaking of, I want a nice farm with acerage
somewhere in the double digits.  I'm shooting for a couple of dogs
(with at least one that likes to go running), and two horses (calm and
good for riding).  As far as other animals, we'll just have to
wait and see, but goats and rabbits are also in mind along with
chickens (which have a minus for the noise) and ducks in a pond.

enough dreaming.  Now that I'm feeling mostly better, I've gotta
get on that homework that I needed to do over the weekend while I was
sick.  I'll post again soon when I have more to write about.

1 comment:

  1. Heck yeah, nothing makes me feel more alive than waking up without feeling in my ears!
