Friday, February 14, 2014

Amazing Memories

Today while I was at work, I got a surprise (planned) visit from my wife, daughter (almost 3 now, unbelievable how the time flies), and our dog. They brought me a frog balloon hugging a heart that says "I LOVE YOU!" and several other goodies/snacks. I sat at my desk for a few moments after they left and thought back to when we were in Canada for an 8 week contract gig I had for a hosting/information system design company. One night while there, we set an alarm for 2:00AM, bundled our daughter all up in her car seat (she would have been 7 months old at the time), and drove a few hours north of Edmonton, Alberta, to see if we could find any dark sky to watch a potential aurora borealis. We sat there in the dark for what must have been hours watching light dance across the sky before driving back to the house we were staying in. Every so often we would start the car back up to run the heater for a few minutes, but that was one of the things on my bucket list from childhood that I had no idea how to check off the list until the evening before.

I am so blessed to have a wife that has loved me enough to put up with me for four years (and counting)!

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