Thursday, December 15, 2005


Currently Listening
By Dave Matthews Band
see related


  1. You should be glad you are not going to drive anywhere for the holidays. I'm jealous of that. If you sell the cd burner, I get first dibbs. I'm glad things are looking up for you!!

  2. RYC: If you wanna risk getting sick, you can come out to my house to meet my pup. Otherwise, sometime in the coming week would be better. I don't want to take her downtown. In the woods, she's patient while I do photography. I don't think she'd be as patient downtown.

  3. I'm not very good at being sick. All week I've been looking forward to going downtown. If I feel even remotely better, I will give you a call. I think it's probably just sinuses, but with my boss having been sick, I don't want to risk making someone else sick.
